
Would you let your 7 yo play outside by himself without watching him?

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My son is 7.5 and I like for him to get out and play with the other kids and while I don't want to embarrass him by watching him... I always am scared someone will snatch him or something...

We live in an apartment complex in aurora, CO and it's pretty safe... but I guess you never know...




  1. My 7 year old can play outside by himself in our backyard which is fenced in. If he wants to go to the park, tell him you want to come with him but bring a magazine so that it isn't completely obvious that you are watching them.

  2. Yes I would. In fact have done that many times. Yes sometimes we worry but we can't deny the children some freedom to play once they are old enough to do things on their own.

    Give the child the talk about strangers ( and make sure they know who strangers are- not just people they don't know but neighbors you don't know well) and about what to do if someone scares them.

  3. Depends on the likelihood of strangers wandering through.  We live in a cul-de-sac and the kids often play outside unattended.  They HAVE to check with us before going into someone else's house, though.

  4. look through your window so

    you can watch him

    but he may not know

    and yea

  5. Heck no!  Even 12 year old boys can be abducted.  Which child do you think a pedophile is going to go for, the one who is outside alone, or the one who's parent is taking responsibility to be out there watching him?  Please be the latter parent!

  6. i think its reasonable.  we live on a cul-de-sac and my son is just about 10 and my daughter is 5.  My daughter knows she is only allowed to play out in the "circle" (we live in the circle of the cul-de-sac) or in the front yard - anywhere we can see her or in the fenced in backyard.  My son is allowed up the street but he's not allowed off the street.  As long as you keep an eye on them by looking out the window occassionally you will feel better....

  7. I live in a neighborhood and I am the only mom that watches the kids play. It drives me crazy. I wish the 7 year old's mother next door would watch her kid.

  8. I agree with you.  Go with your instincts.  If you don't feel right about letting him go somewhere with older kids you don't know, then simply don't do it.  YOU know best.  You are right about strangers and the people going in and out of the complex. What I have found is that if I follow my feelings, it shifts as they get older.  I just think it's intuition.  It's going to be better to listen to that than your mind.  Good job and I am a stand for your feelings.

  9. Nope...better to be safe than sorry I always say. Thinking an area is safe won't matter a bit if your kid turns up missing someday right??

  10. my daughter is 6 1/2 years old and she is not allowed outside by herself...only with an adult..there are so many child molesters and abductions these days my daughter is doing lucky if shes aloud by herself at

  11. I would watch him.There is too much that can happen.There is too many baby kidnappings, children drowning.U can never b too sure

  12. Well If he is playing with a big group of kids, like about 3+ and you dont have to embarass him by watching. Just hide behind your window, and from time to time check on him though your window without being seen.

  13. my daughter is 7 and a half also. we live on a dead end street and i will let her play outside by herself but she has to stay in the front yard and i open all of the curtains so i can watch her, but she does know i am watching and that she better not go to the sides or in the back where i can't see her

  14. My son is almost 8 and I watch him while he plays outside all the time. I'm lucky enough to have a back yard where he can play without my constant supervision, but I do not allow him to go to the park or out of my eye range.

  15. I do allow my youngest to play outside alone, he just turned 8 but he's been playing outside alone for awhile now, mostly with his brothers. We live in a house though on a main road (no one really walking through) and the kids have to stay in the back yard and I can see them through the window. If I lived in an apartment complex I would not allow him to be alone even at 8.

  16. Be a paranoid mother and watch him, I would.

  17. All my kids have played outside without me watching them, even my 4 year old.  If you're going to live in fear of everything that can go wrong you are going to raise a fearful child who isn't going to try anthing for fear of something going wrong.  I'm raising my children to be strong independent women.

  18. I think you found the right balance.  I let my 6- and 8-year-olds play in my yard, or in the neighbors' yards if they're with a neighbor.  I let them bike in the cul-de-sac behind my house if they're together.  All the places they play are in view of my windows, or, if they're temporarily blocked by the one house between mine and part of the cul-de-sac, they're still in earshot (and i keep a window open when they're out).  I would not let them cross streets other than the cul-de-sac, nor would I let them go to the park without me.  But I wouldn't keep them from going:  I would go with them and remain fairly unobtrusive.

    I think the people who are suggesting that 12+-year-olds need to be watched every second they're outside are making a mistake, though.  There's risk for all of us, but at some point you do need to let them grow up a little.  Most 12-year-olds near me walk home from school with friends, and I think that's totally appropriate in a safe neighborhood.  Heck, 12-year-olds can babysit; they ought to be able to go play in the back yard!

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