
Would you let your child curse?

by Guest65348  |  earlier

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Just curious.




  1. my mom lets me. but i dont do it alot.

  2. No!

  3. nope

  4. My parents don't particularly like when I do it but I still do occasionally. My parents think it's disrespectful too but come on, we're living in the twenty first century here. People curse and us kids hear it and do it. I mostly do it with my friends though and I try to be careful around my parents. I'm disgusted with my generation but I'm not going to deny the fact that we do it. If it's disrespectful then it's disrespectful but kids do a lot worse things then cuss now a days. I wouldn't freak if my kid said a curse word but I wouldn't let it always fly just like my parents don't let it always fly. I guess it depends on your point of view.

  5. NO

  6. Of course nott !

    There is no situation where cursing is necessary.

    So there is no reason to let them curse.

    My child will be curse-free !

  7. No, it is very disrespectful and there is no need for it.

  8. Of course not. I dont curse, my husband doesnt curse. It makes you sound ignorant, as if you just couldnt come up with anything better to say.

  9. Well, my mom let go of the cussing boundary when I was about 12 I think because she knew she wasn't stopping me from doing it.  

    My brother on the other hand has been cussing like a sailor since he could talk.  

    I don't think it's particularly right, but if you cuss in front of your kids and then tell them that it's a word they shouldn't use and you are using it, what kind of example is that?

    I don't know, kids will hear it eventually and probably say it every once in awhile.  Just explain it to them that they should be polite and cuss words aren't polite.

  10. well, I don't think it's an issue of "letting" them. they learn from somewhere. If you don't want your child to curse,

    1) don't curse in front of them

    2) try not to expose them to people who curse

    3) explain to them that cursing makes them sound ignorant/stupid/dumb/whatever the hip term for "moron" or "idiot" or you get the idea.

    4) after you explain that, explain that if you use any of the above terms to describe someone, you're saying more about yourself than you are about them.

  11. no, unless it was a quick sense of pain.   Only if they are in physical pain.  

    If they were upset mentally then no way.

  12. No!  I think it is very disrespectful.

  13. Like in Harry Potter?

  14. No. We do not curse and that is not acceptable to us. It is up to parents to set standards for their children.

  15. No. It's not okay. Totally disrespectful. And people look down on children who do. So why would I want that for him?

  16. I think it shows you have a very limited vocabulary when you curse I would have to say "no" because as a parent you have a responsibility to educate your children and teach them to talk properly.

  17. I had a foster daughter that moved in with me when she was three years old.  She had suffered much abuse and had a very hard time understanding the difference between the truth and lying.  She couldn't express herself very well under most circumstances but we had a break through when she cursed.  Weird and I don't recommend it if there is any other way but it worked for her.

  18. I want to teach my children a thing called semantics. Yes, I will strongly discourage them from using the typical curse words. However, I want them to know that there are many words that are not considered curse words, but that hurt even more than cursing depending on how they're used.

  19. there just words arent they. what makes a word badder than the others i wouldnt care

  20. What age "child" are we talking about?  Small children should be taught that bad words are a "no no!"  

    Used to be, if grade school children said bad words, teachers automatically thought that they learned it at home.  In this day, they can get it from TV, movies, etc.

    Teach by example!  Don't use 'cuss' words in the home.

    My own children are 34 & 35, and have never used a bad word to their Dad or me except in the context of telling a joke.

  21. No, I don't let my child curse. Not around me or other grownups.

  22. absolutely not..some people say that they are just words.  But there are many slang terms in todays society that hurt and they are just words.

  23. Let them?  How you gonna stop them?

    Not allowed in my house, but one does slip occasionally.

  24. Absolutely not! It's disrespectful... my Daughter will be raised to have manners and RESPECT.

  25. My mother doesn't care at all if I swear in front of her or with my friends. She doesn't let me swear in front of people such as my little sisters or grandparents, but I have the sense not to do that.

  26. I wish they wouldn't curse but I think it's learned from somewhere, I honestly learned to cuss from my parents and I'm really trying to stop because I'm a young adult now and I know that it looks bad. I won't let my kids curse but like if a little curse word slips I'm not going to completely freak just say that there's other words to use and that cussing makes them look ignorant.

  27. Certainly not.

  28. Nope, they are told it is an adult word that even adults shouldn't be saying.

  29. I wasn't allowed too,neither will he.

  30. i'm 19, don't curse and won't let my kids(when i have them or future husband).

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