
Would you let your child get their highschool diploma at 15?

by  |  earlier

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if i ment GED i would have said GED




  1. If he/she was getting her actual high school diploma and not a GED, although a lot of people seem to think they are equal they are FAR from it. If a college, or employer has 2 applications in front of them and they look to be exactly the same besides their education, one has a high school diploma, and the other has a GED the employer/college will most likely choose the person with the high shcool diploma. It also depends on what he/she has planned after s/he gets their highschool diploma at the age of 15. getting a job or applying for colleges would be great but being a couch potato is not, hope this helps. but i dont see a problem with getting your HIGHSCHOOL DIPLOMA at the age of 15.

  2. Definitely

  3. why not

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