
Would you let your child walk to the store? Ages 10 & 7.?

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There is a store near our home. I can see the fire department that is next to the store from my house. But not the store. Am I wrong to tell them no? Or should I let them go together? We don't live in a rough area. But there is a road with heavy traffic nearby. They would not have to cross any streets.




  1. No

  2. if the distance is only a few blocks i say let them.  if there is a neighbor kid a little older ask him/her to go w ur kids.

  3. prolly not. maybe when there both 12. you gotta let them grow up though

  4. No, as others have said, it really is too risky these days.  Putting the 10 year old in the position of protector just isn't a good idea.  Also, most stores don't want children popping in without their parents.  I know, of course, that it's different in small towns where everyone knows everyone, but still - abuses have been known to happen even in small areas.  When it comes to your kids, it's always better safe than sorry.    

  5. don't do it.

    bad idea.

    not good at all.

    very bad.

    bad idea.


    heck no.



    no way jose.

  6. no!

    do you see those stories where 12 year olds are getting abducted?

  7. I wouldn't let them go alone, but maybe with each other. It teaches maturity and responsibility, and by being with each other, it teaches safety in numbers and also generally safety.

    Make sure they know not to talk to strangers along the way though, and if a stranger approaches them, to use a code word, or try and find an adult for help, the fire department is even better.

  8. i wouldn't let the 7 year old go alone but if the 10 year old went and they went together i think they would be fine. my parents let me start walking home from school which was like 6 blocks in 5th grade.  maybe you should give one of them your cell phone and tell them to call you when they get there.

  9. No wai

  10. No I wouldn't allow it

  11. I went by myself at that age but that was about 20 years ago, way too many pervs these days, NO

  12. No!! There are to many freaks out there taking kids these days! Plus if the road is busy they could get hit by a car! I don't let my kids play in the front yard b/c I'm scared something could happen to them-they can only play in the backyard & thats b/c it's fenced in & we have  big a$$ dog!!

  13. it's kinda hard to say, but i don't think you should, because life is about taking risk but not when it come s to your children...I think you should walk with hem but give them some space, when doing so. that way then can get a feel on walking with out you around.

  14. Not in a million years.!  Walk with them.  The fire dept. is not responsible for watching your children.  But you can bet that there are predators out there watching them.

    "Back in the day"  when we were kids we walked everywhere, no supervision etc.  come to think of it there were 3 perps who lived on my country road.  Didn't find that out until I was 35!!!

    Watch over your children like a HAWK.   You will still have them when you are old.

    Add:  Have you gone on line and checked out the child predators in YOUR neighborhood?   Plan to be shocked!

    National s*x offender main page.

  15. Absolutely NOT!! There are too many weirdos and pervs out there that would see two very vulnerable victims walking alone.

    Please please please do not allow them to walk alone ANYWHERE!

  16. Not no But h**l No

  17. If you go with your gut you will never need to be sorry the decision you make.  Explain to them your fears without making them narotic.  

  18. well maybe the 10 yr old i would. but not really the 7 year old. i would hope they would be together at all times. but whatever life is all about taking risks. so go for it.

  19. It takes one second for something bad to happen,your right not to let them go alone

  20. No, I do not think you are wrong for telling them no.  Not only would I worry about the busy street, I would also be worried about all the sick people out there that kidnap children all the time.  Look up statistics on child abductions ... it's frightening! And it doesn't matter what kind of neighborhood you live in, it can still happen.

    If you feel bad about telling them no, maybe you could walk there with them or figure out some other way to give them a feeling of independence...

    Good luck! :)

  21. Yes of course. I walked to the store alone when I was 7-8. All the kids I know were able to walk to the store. Also, we all played outside without supervision and we knew the neighbourhood, so it was not a problem at all. But your children should have a little experience in taking care of themselves. I suggest you start leaving them alone at home or let them play outside the house without watching them all the time.

  22. I wouldn't. People are nuts these days. It only takes one second for someone to grab kids that age. Don't take the chance.

  23. i live in a small town, so i would. here, everyone knows everyone. my 6 year old can walk to school since i can watch her walk all the way there and there is no busy streets here. if you are in a city, i wouldnt do it. to many weirdo's out there and stupid drivers. i dont put the maturity of the kids into play on this because its not about them and if they are capable of walking to the store. They cannot dodge a car that jumps a curb or fight off a kidnapper who wants to take them.

  24. Depends on the maturity of them. I'd not let a 7 year old go to the store without a parent however. It may be a good idea to let them walk further ahead than you each time, so they get the feel of independence without any risk, and you can see how well they're doing.

  25. I remember that when I was 10 I was allowed to ride my bike to a store nearby. I rode through a housing development to get there. I was fine. I think I'd allow my children to go as long as they didn't have to cross the busy street. Maybe go with them once and give them instructions on conduct first.  

  26. I wouldn't, not even if i was on my deathbed and had no way of getting the medicine to save my life but that, would i risk my children's lives in such a way!

  27. No, there are too many wackos in the world who are just too eager to take your kids. It could happen in any neighborhood, at any time.  

  28. I don't think so

  29. In my town (pop 1200) that would be no big deal and having to cross a few streets would be no big deal.  Kids walk around town here without parents at that age all the time.  But, I think it really depends on the town.  If you're not comfortable with it, don't let them.

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