
Would you let your six year old child watch TV at 1am?

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Would you wake up and let your six year old boy watch a live wrestling event on tv at 1am if he had been going on about it all day, it lasts for 3 hours, and it's the school holidays.




  1. Absolutely not. If he wanted to watch it that badly, I would record it for him.

  2. No way. He needs to be in bed at that hour. Wrestling is not that important.

  3. Do I need to give him a beer and a cigar to go with it, along with the chips and popcorn? lol

    Since its a one time thing and doesn't happen on a regular basis I might let him try since there is no school the next day. I would also record it since no 6 year old should be able to stay awake until 4 am.

    Seriously, the child would probably fall asleep on his own long before it even started. Tell him he can, let him sit on the couch in front of a kid's movie from bedtime on and I bet he is asleep before that movie is over. If he is up, it won't kill him to miss his regular sleep for one night but I would make sure to get him up early enough the next day that it won't throw his entire sleep schedule off for the next week. You'll have one cranky kid.  

  4. can you tivo it? or just tape it for him....if not i would say maybe just this time as a special occasion since he seemed really passionate about it and it was a vacation after all

  5. Ya I would, if he didnt have school the next day. If he really wanted to see it, and it seems like he does. He can always nap or sleep in the next day.

  6. nope, i think he should have a set bed time and on holidays you can push the bedtime to maybe an hour or so later, but not 1am, its not healthy.  

  7. You should never let your child stay up that late. A child needs at least 10 hours of sleep and that kind of activity can damage his natural sleep cycle. You can do it sometimes , but do it as a reward. Don't let your child get used to it.

  8. No. Your boy needs to get his sleep even if it is on school vacation. But I would record it and let him watch it in the morning. Don't be mean about telling him no, but make sure that he understands that you've made up your mind and that he shouldn't keep asking all day. Hope I helped!

  9. I would record it for him to watch later.

  10. no i would not. he needs his sleep

  11. I would just record it for him and let him watch it at a reasonable hour the next day. Even during the holidays, he needs his sleep!

  12. no way i would recod it for him he can watch it the day after

  13. No way, too late. But, I would record it for him if I was ok about him watching/getting into the wrestling thing - which I am not!

  14. No way... that is too late for a six year old to be out of bed. Your best bet would be to tape it for him and let him watch it the next morning.

  15. No

  16. Well, I don't let my son watch wrestling.  But if it were another special event, then I would.  If it's on at 1 AM, I would have him go to bed at his normal bedtime, and then wake him up at about 12:45.  It's the school holidays, after all.  One night of staying up late won't hurt.

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