
Would you let your teen do these things???

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so, parents of teens what out of these do you let your kids do.

go out after 8?

watch R rated movies?

go on dates?

have a cell phone?

have a laptop?

have free interenet privelges?

read R rated books/magazines?

listen to any music you want?

and if your a kid ask your parents or have them fill it out.

do they follow your rules??? on a scale of 1 to 10 how strict do you think you are. 1 super strict and 10 being easy going.




  1. yep.

    If its not filled with sexual things, yes.





    maybe, maybe not. depends on which one.

    not hard metal.. can't stand that

    Im probably a 3 on the strict scale...

  2. Your question is very interesting. I am not a parent of teens, but I am interested to see the answers. Think about it...several of us have children in a new world that we never experienced...except for the Rated R movie. At 15 I was allowed to watch rated R movies, depending on the movie.

    The biggest thing for me was having a phone in my room. The rule was if someone cut in (call waiting, which was brand new) for my parents I had to hang up and give the call to my parents.

    Parents today have so many things to wrestle with that we did not ever experience.

  3. Growing up, my parents weren't strict at all when it came to movie ratings and music lyrics and I don't see myself being strict in that way either. As for going out after 8, depends on the situation. I intend to be informed and my kids will be on short leashes to start with and strict curfews, as time goes on and they earn my trust I will lengthen the proverbial leash. A cell phone is a great idea for keeping track of them but can I trust them not to rack up ridiculous bills? Once again, I use the leash theory, do me wrong, I take it away, same with a drivers licence. Dates, gonna hafta shorten the leash again(cell phones are great for this kind of siutation I don't want to be a hound but Its good to know that if my daughter is on a date with a jerk, she can call me and I can rescue her from anywhere), and of course it depends on the date and my gut instinct how long the leash will be or get. I probably would not but both my kids their own laptops but I would allow computer access at my computer including internet but the surely will know I can find out what they've been looking so don't abuse the priviledge. Priviledge, a dreaded word when I was young, but I can see it coming up again and again in my kids future, thats what being a teeneager is about, I guess. If they make the right choices, it opens the door to more priviledges and vice versa.

  4. Ok since you did not give an age...I'll assume your asking for a 15 year old. ok?

    go out after 8? Yes, but they have to come back by 12:00...only on Friday or Saturday.

    watch R rated movies? Yes

    go on dates? Yes

    have a cell phone? Yes. If they asked for one.

    have a laptop? Yes...Only getting their own computer after 15.

    have free interenet privelges? Yes

    read R rated books/magazines? Yes

    listen to any music you want? Yes. definitely : )

  5. For 13-16, after 8 is only for special occasions. for 16-18, after 8 is acceptable on the weekends.

    R rated movies is a toughie because it really depends on the movie and its content. If the only reason it is r rated is because of nudity or profanity, then I can take my kids to see it. It also depends on the kid and if they are mature enough.

    Dates- well before 16 groups dates are fine and supervised dates are fine. Dates under certain rules are fine after 16. (as long as curfew is followed, etc)

    Cell phone- Well when they can pay for it or if the child needs it. (Like they travel alone on public transit for after school activities or something like that)

    A laptop , when they can help pay for it I suppose. Before 18 though, the laptop must be left with me at night and computer usage must be done in an open room. I feel that a laptop is an extreme luxury for a kid.

    Free internet privileges? I don't really understand. Computer usage will be monitored by me or my husband in an open area until at least 17 or so. I want my kids to be safe. Going to myspace is fine as long as certain rules are met. Being 13+, profile kept as private, and occasional check ins by mom. I'm not gonna read email but I will be asking questions about who you are talking to etc.

    R rated books and magazines? If you mean p**n, I do not have a problem with it as long as we have a long talk about respecting women and other concerns I have in that area. 12 and up would be okay with me. Violent books? I'm pretty sure a teen can handle any of those.

    My kids are exposed to many different kinds of music everyday and they can listen to whatever they want now at age 4 and 2. That will not change. I may not like what they choose to listen to in the future, but I will not forbid any music. That is insane. Music= life for so many people and I'm not going to take that away.

    Strict, well by a kid I am going to be considered strict. In my opinion, I will have strict rules that allow freedoms. But those freedoms can be lost and can be regained slowly. I personally aspire to be around lvl 4 strict, where I do not completely rule my child's life, but there are rules that must be followed. I want to give room to grow, but rules are there for a reason.

  6. my child is 16

    1, yes

    2, yes

    3, yes

    4,duh yeah

    5, obviusly, my child has had a laptop since he was 10

    6, yes, but i would moniter his what he does

    7, yes, but not p**n

    8, yes, except for heavy metal

  7. I'm a teen myself, and my parents let me do all of the above .

    Well, they don't really KNOW about most of the dates, but still :]

  8. yes to all

  9. i'll tell you what my parents let me do:



    yes (though its usually a double)




    yeah but not p**n or anything


    my friends that have stricter rules usually break them anyway and create this wierd communication gap - what i would suggest you do is find 2 things you definately would not want your kid to do because anything 3 or more is too overwhelming and they will probably break it and 1 thing becomes too tempting and taboo like. my parents got this tip from parents who said it worked on all 3 or 4 (i can't remember) of their kids.

    for ex. smoking, tattoos, drugs, premarital s*x, alcohol, whatever....

  10. 1. no ( i don't like going out anyways)

    2  yes

    3 no

    4 yes (bought it myself)

    5 yes

    6 yes

    7 yes ( books that have violence)

    8 yes (rock)

    My Mom Knows I'm Very Mature I am 16 by the way and have a 50 year old soul lol I'm not a boring person by the way, and I love to work so i barely have time to go out. haha

  11. I will let my daughter date when she's 16, or maybe 15 if I meet the guy and approve, but will be supervised. she can do all of these things except the rated R magazines.  

  12. go out after 8? Depends who with and how old there are.  When i was a teen I could go out after 8 with certain friends if their parents were there or if my mom was there or i could go with certain family members but my mom had to know where i was going and everything.  I will be the same with my boys.  

    watch R rated movies? Depends again on the age.  At 16 yes, at 13 probably not depends on the movie

    go on dates? Yes even at 13 but until age 16 I would have to do the drop off at the date location and pickup or know the person doing the driving (preferably the other teens parent).  

    have a cell phone? Prepaid from 13-16 then they could get a job to pay for their own cellphone after that if they wanted something other than prepaid.  

    have a laptop? Yes if I could afford it I wouldn't mind my teen having a laptop, they come in handy for so many things including homework

    have free interenet privelges? Limited internet with monitoring and i would have to have username and passwords, to many things can happen so you need to know what kids are up to in order to protect them.  I wouldn't however spy on them but would access accounts if I felt something was wrong.  

    read R rated books/magazines? again would depend on the age and the book/magazine.  If I found playboy under my teenage boys bed or something I wouldn't say nothing but if I found some other stuff I might question it.

    listen to any music you want? Nope, I wouldn't want certain music playing in my home but of course I know teens will just listen when they go to a friends house or whatever but in my house certain music wouldn't be allowed

    My boys are only 3 and 6 right now (another one on the way) but I have rules and they know I mean it when i say they better listen and follow the rules but of course like most kids they test the limits.  I am right around 5 on the strictness scale.  I can be strict but i know sometimes rules have to be bent or readjusted.  

  13. go out after 8?     8

    watch R rated movies?     8

    go on dates?     1

    have a cell phone?     1

    have a laptop?     3

    have free interenet privelges?     10

    read R rated books/magazines?     10

    listen to any music you want?     7

  14. if my kid was 16:

    i would let them go out after 8 on the weekends (if i know where)


    yes (if i've met the boy/girl)

    yes  ( if they are driving)


    No(they could get fat sitting on the internet for hours)


    No (but it would be hard to always know what a 16 year old is listening to)

  15. None of the above.Except going out and ONLY if they are chaperoned by someone I know will put a boot up their behind if they try anything funny.

  16. well i am a teen (round 14), and out of them


    never come up ew.





    never come up


    and i follow their rules other wise i lose those privileges  

  17. Theirs a big difference between a 13 year old and a 19 year old so you might wanna give a smaller age range.

  18. Im the kid....(13).......And I have a lap-top... see rated R movies all the time and One time me and my friend we get bored so we go to 10:00 movies almost at least once a month..Im aloud to date....Consdering I have a laptop I do what ever I p**n to get horny etc....And who cares what kind of music you listen to..its music.....And cell every 13 year now has a cell phone...meaning I DO....I guess you could say my parents are like a 9 1/2......I mean I think every parent has a certain level of strictness....but my parents really dont

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