
Would you let your teenager participate in cheerleading?

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Personally I believe that cheerleading, while certainly physically demanding and requiring plenty of athletic attributes, is NOT a sport (I'm not here to debate that).

Just read the article, and tell me if there are school sports you would RATHER your teenager participate than in such a high risk activity like cheerleading.




  1. first of all, let me say, with 6 years of competitive cheerleading AND coaching experience, cheerleading is a sport. debate it or not.

    I would most certainly let my child participate because not only is it an exhilirating sport, it keeps them flexible and gives them an extra boost of confidence in their every day lives.

    when you're a cheerleader you learn to become a LEADER. you become more outgoing, outspoken and proud to voice your opinions, and cheerleading is actually what got me into the honor society, ASB, and other after school activities.

    it doesn't make you a sleez or a dumb *** like some people like to say about cheerleaders, it is one of the hardest sports (and i know because i have had my share in playing MANY) and it teaches you an insane amount of self discipline, and will raise your childs self confidence through the roof.

    if you really want what's best for him/her, let them decide on their own.

    don't push them away from what they're interested in trying.

    there is nothing wrong with cheering, and you have a risk of getting injured in ANY sport. so dont let that scare you.

  2. So... is gymnastics not a sport? Hm. Wow.

    Sport: an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature (sounds like cheerleading to me)


    If my child wants to cheerlead, I wouldn't stop him/her. As mentioned before, it is a sport that boosts self-esteem and teaches leadership along with other positives.

  3. it depends if she is doing it to be on the sideline of a football game or if she is doing it to be competitive and get a scholarship.

    in the end i'd let her, but the second requires  a lot of dedication.

  4. Being only 20 myself, I have not got a teenager, but if I had, then yes, I would let him/her participate in Cheerleading - and I would support them 100%.  

    All sports carry a risk of injury or death. It is not just cheerleading.

    I would be proud of my child for having a goal in life and wanting to achieve something. I believe that participating in a sport would encourage them to make the right decisions in life. If you look past the risks, then you will realize that sports are physically and mentally very beneficial.

  5. you shouldnt let your child miss out on something like that .... a child can get hurt and break their necks or worse by jumping on a bed! everything you do has risks you can get in a wreck that can hurt your child does that mean you shouldnt drive with a child in a car?

  6. A teenager only goes through junior high/ high school once, if they really want to participate I would support them, if they want to do something else that is fine too.

    Football is more dangerous than Cheer leading is it okay for teenage boys?? eh?

    Let her go for it! :)

  7. Cheerleading IS a sport.

    And I have watched people get carried off the football field, basket ball court, baseball/soft ball field.  

    Every sport there is high risk..  All of them.

  8. I would let my teen do cheerleading, it's a great opportunity to get in shape, contribute to the school, meet new people, and much more

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