
Would you let your wife/girlfriend go to STRIP CLUB with you?

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My wife wants to go to the strip club with me, but I don't know. I know she won't cause no problems and will probably let me do what ever I want might even get herself a lap dance. But it still just feels weird. What do you think?




  1. You should think that it is awesome that she wants to go with you and experience that with you.  I go to strip clubs with my boyfriend all the time.  I am by-sexual so it kinda works for both of us.  He gets entertained and so do I.  Plus it definatley gives you something to talk about later.  You should atleast try it once.  If it still weird by the end then don't do it again.  Give her a chance to be there, and maybe have a little fun, getting a lap dance from another girl and you watching is a huge turn on for guys....atleast that what I have been noticing.

  2. I think you should let her go with you. If she wants to go then it could become something you both do. She is bound not to like it when she is wondering what your upto but if she likes going with you then you should let her,

  3. Don't take her.  She'll get mad when she sees you looking at naked women and tipping them.

  4. people do it. you can'y judge it till you try it...what do you have to loose

  5. Not only would I let her, I would encourage her.

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