
Would you like Flowers or a Romantic dinner, and a walk on the beach after dinner? On V--Day?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry, I meant to say what would you perfer. LoL lol =)




  1. dinner and walk on the beach where I am given  a single stem red rose . Aren't I greedy

  2. Dinner and the beach

  3. I will like a romantic dinner and then a walk on the beach! wow that's soooooo romantic!

  4. I prefer to spend quality time with my loved one"

    Flower's I get all time, Dinner's too'


    I live two blocks from the beach so walking there is  really done on weekend's for the exercise.

    I prefer a romantic movie with my partner and a large cola, while we snuggle in the back seat of the jeep.(drive in movie.)

  5. Flowers and dinner (would you cook?). I'll skip the beach.

  6. Cool ideeeeeas ALL OF THEM ! xD

    Umm.. Beach LURVEEEELY

    Lv Yaa x

  7. no flowers!! waste!!!

    a kiss would be nice

    dinner and beach

  8. Good Idea....................

  9. What kind of flowers?

    Where we eating?

    How far are we walking?

    Sounds great!


  10. Dinner and a walk on the beach if it is not too cold or you could snuggle up to get warm too.

  11. Definitely the second choice - romantic dinner and a walk on the beach after. Just make sure its not raining hard.


    Which V-Day are you talking about?  If you mean the stop violence one, I prefer he use the money and donate to a shelter for abused women.

    If you mean Victory Day, a homecooked dinner is fine.

    If you mean Valentines day, say it.  And flowers die.  I prefer he donate to a local charity instead of wasting money on c**p.

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