
Would you like a good, high paying "Government Job", running the country?

by  |  earlier

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I think you could do a good job. What's the first thing you'd change?




  1. I'd do away with my office..

  2. I would turn the White House into Americas largest garage sale.  

  3. Yes; I'd love it.

    The first thing I'd do is make the male M.P.'s wear chaps... not jeans, just chaps and the female M.P.'s wear rara skirts with crotchless knickers.

    They are all so pompous that this might just deflate their egos!  

  4. First would be a Pardon for Ramos & Compeon, then throwing out all of the Executive orders for the last 38 years. I could go on & on & on.

  5. High paying and government job is a nonsequitor.


  6. Could do no worse, than the 'leaders' in the Last Half-Century....!!

  7. Yes.  Do away with much of the tax codes.  Install  a fair flat tax rate for all, including corporations.  Anyone making less then $20,000 per year would be exempt from paying Federal Income taxes.  Social Security taxes and others would still be in place.  Corporations would be hit with a 30% flat tax rate, no deductions allowed unless they are expanding their business and hiring new employees, then they only get half tax credit.

    Anyone making over $125,000 is taxed at 50.%, no deductions period.

    Over $20,000 you would be taxed at 33.3%,no deductions

    Yes, the IRS would be virtually shut down, so would most CPA's and bookkeepers and tax lawyers.  C'est la vie

  8. Not really most Americans don't want the job they don't want to be in the spot light.

  9. First, i would change my underwear...then, world peace!

  10. They won't hire me. I'm not a POW.  

  11. Fire everyone. They all make to much. Cut every paycheck right in half if they want to stay. Dang don politicians make a fortune from all our hard earned monies. Taxes, taxes, and more taxes, just to fill their pockets. Off with their heads I say. Re build the guillotine and off with their heads. LMAO

  12. There are so many problems, I wouldn't know where to start.

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