
Would you like help going green?

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If you want to go green but, don't know how to start you can go to our website:

There you can learn how to do something extremely easy to go green, get reminded once a week that you are trying to go green, learn how much c02 your saving with monthly updates, and the person who saves the most pounds even gets a prize once a month!

If you do this, then I will give you best answer!




  1. Who ever said it was over rated you must be a animal hater!!! SAVE THE PLANET!

  2. There is a K5 plug in hybred prototype car that gets 120 mpg. Just costs to much. Solar energy system to satisfy my home would cost around $37,000. Clean coal, bio-mass and necular. All are great ideas - untill the gov teams up with industry and provides insentives for clean products and carbon penilities for bad footprint products - nothing will happen. I have already done most of what your website suggests. Keep up the good work.

  3. I don't think it will really help anything

  4. Going green is an overrated fad.

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