
Would you like him if?

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To all Cena Haters and people who aren't fans of him but don't hate him: Would you like Cena again if he turned heel? Like would you still boo him? Do you think the crowd would still boo him? And how do you think the younger fans (like 7-11 year olds) would react?

And before people say that I'm this little kid or a teenage girl who is in love with Cena, read this. Yes I am a teenage girl but I am not a Cena fan. But even though I'm not a fan of him, I don't hate him.

Ignore the Rant Below...I'm kinda mad

You know what sucks...WWE Raw is comming to the Wachovia Center about a week or 2 after Summerslam. I live about 20 minutes away from there. And there are still lower leval seats open. But whats bad is, I'm broke. That really sucks




  1. I guess if he has 2 be around I would like 2 see how he is as a heel in the wwe quit acting like he is some kind of thug  

  2. I dont mind Cena at all. Im probably gonna get thumbs down but i'll be honest. It'd be great if he turned heel but i dont mind him as a face either. I dont boo him now if im honest - i see no reason too. Yeh, the crowd would still boo him but mostly because half the crowd does anyway. And the younger kids, well, they'd stop buying his merchindise and ask why superman was helping the bad guys lol.

    And dont worry, im a teenage girl - i dont hate him or love him. Im kinda Neutral ya know? It annoys me when everyone says its teenage girls that love him - cause i dont!

    And theres something what i dont get about Cena - im not sticking up for him but come on; John Cena has always had my respect. People can hate me for liking him but to be honest he isn't as bad as people make him out to be. They make him out to be some kind of Super Villan that steals candy from children. When the fact is he isn't. Their hating on an innocent man who has done nothing wrong but follow what WWE has told him to do. I respect every wrestler that goes into that ring. But John Cena i respect his work outside WWE. He does ALOT for Charity and really takes his time with the Fans. He is really dedicated like that.

    And people say he sucks in the ring but i've seen worse than him and better than him. People need to remember its storylines and they say he sucked up to Vince, which may well be true, but they dont hate on Triple H like they do with Cena for Marrying the bosses daughter which is even worse.

    Im not big on the guy. Im not a huge fan at all. Im kind of neutral but leaning towards liking him. Even the haters should respect the work he does for his fans and for Charity. Im probably gonna get thumbs down for this but im being honest.

    Again, it'd be cool if he turned heel, but i dont mind him as a face.

    [[Edit]] Yeh me too. I can dislike them but no way do i disrespect them.

  3. Well I agree w/Hannah Hardy....I have people I like and people that I don't like....yes I like Cena....and many people don't..but its their opinion...I'm not too keen on Edge..but there are many people that are madly in love with I say....that if people like him, they like him...if they don't they don't.....and as far as Cena turnin heel....if anybody is a true Cena fan then they will like him no matter wat he is....good...bad..watever.....but its not wat he wants....its wat the WWE wants him to as far as the crowds booing him...that mite never change...the only thing that can and will change the booing is the crowds change their own minds and start cheering him....hey he may not b the sharpest tool in the shed...but according to his competition..he is a challenge to defeat...he's not like some of the ppl in the WWE...but thats my opinion and im stickin to it or not

  4. I don't hate Cena- I'm a Cena fan

    Yes, that sucks. Maybe you could get a loan or something
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