
Would you like it if the toy that came in a Happy Meal this week was a cute, fluffy hamster?

by  |  earlier

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The hamster would be not just fluffy, but extra fluffy....and you would get to name it, yourself.




  1. yeah, if it was alive not a McHamster.

  2. Umm, it'd be awfully strange lol but I do think hamsters are amazingly cute... so I wouldn't mind. Plus, it's extra fluffy... more fluff, more cuddle!

  3. Umm no im not a big fan of hamsters.. They freak me out!

  4. If it was a plush toy, sure.

    If it were a live, real hamster...maybe not, as I wouldn't want it to get droppings on my hamburger and fries.

  5. I would think they didn't cook my meal enough.

    Actually Richard Gere just  came by and asked me if that was a gerbil and if I wanted to keep it.   I wonder why?

  6. Sure if it's a plush toy and besides it is going to be extra fluffy and cuddly . I dont want it too be a real hamster it'll eat my fries like Melanie said.

  7. i already have a fluffy hamster =]

    his name is "Mr.Hamster!

    i know sooo original!

  8. Could I put it in the deep fryer and get a chicken nugget?  I'd rather have a chicken nugget than a hamster.

    Happy Meal toys are stupid these days.  They were better in the 80s.  Anyone remember the transformable fries and big mac?

  9. Yes=]

  10. As long as I knew that week's prize was a hamster, sure.  The last thing I'd want is to open my Happy Meal, and Harvey pops out.

  11. no-he might eat my fries

  12. well, I would hope they would give him to be seperatly! i wouldn't want my fries to have anything "extra" in them!

    I would love it if that was the toy - they are cute little animals!

  13. that would rock!

  14. I hate hampsters. Rats are better. They don't bite and They're smarter and sweeter. You people have never owned a rat.

  15. i would hate it if it was real

  16. OMG not another Hamster!  My daughters have 3 of them and I'm hoping they don't live for like 10 yrs. cuz I'M sick of cleanin' the cages already!!!

  17. It would be even cuter if they just killed it and mixed it in their hamburgers and chicken nuggets.. its hard to tell what is in those nasty things anyways...

  18. as long as it was a plush toy.

    but even then i dont buy mcdonalds like ever so it would bother me personally, would be a funny news story to go along with all the tragic ones

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