
Would you like it if your 21 and people think your 16? why or why not?

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i get mistaken for 14, 15, 16...12 when no one sees my point is...would you like looking younger why or why not?




  1. That's wonderful, and you'll find out why when you get to be about 40.

  2. im 24 and people at my job first thought i just graduated high school. i guess when youre older its a compliment. im glad i have a baby face although it gets me pissed off when i go to the strip and everyone asks me for ID especially when Im drunk

  3. I went through the same thing. It was a little annoying at times but now that I am in my mid 30's and look mid 20's it is very nice.  So I would and do prefer looking young because it is only annoying for 10 years and feels good for the next 50 or so.

  4. I look that way when I was 21 and I would always been ask for ID and I was the focus of police in las Vegas in the casinos because they though I was too young.

    So, I guess is not that great. I am 39 right now and people think I am younger. Now is not too bad.

  5. im 20 and people think im 17. i dont mind it that much. but my friend is alost 20 and people think she is 15 and she really hates it. i just think its funny.

  6. No, I would prefer to look a bit more mature.

  7. No one takes you seriously when you are younger... soooooo no.

  8. my husband is 36 and he is still mistaken for 19.  It annoys him sometimes. most of the time he doesn't even notice it

  9. No its harder to find a job - once had someone discriminate against me because I was 21 and the last person they had in the job who was 21 drank and showed up late.Looking older can be beneficial for a job search , but looking younger is not always bad - you'll look better longer.

  10. well  id like to look tall  and not shorte  and well im 15 and people think im 18 or 19  and i think its kool but my dad is shorter then me and people think hes my friend  some even my brother!!  and well if ur a girl  well its good to be shorte  not all shorte but a little     u no?

  11. I'm in the same boat. I am 21 and people always tell me I look younger. I hate it sometimes, especially when people look at me weird when I am with my 1 year old daughter. I've gotten asked if I was 12 when I was 17. It really doesnt help that I am only 5 feet tall.

  12. I don't want to look that young.

    I actually would prefer to look older, and wiser.

  13. It's having the ID that counts. What it matters to you and why is what counts. What words come out of your mouth shall make  the difference to those people of most value to you.


  15. You thank it when your older and everyone around you start looking old and you still look young.

    Enjoy your youth!

  16. Its bad when you are young, I remember I was always carded until about 25.  But now its great because people say I'm too young to be retired.

  17. i'm 25, people still think i'm 16. You definitly don't get taken seriously. I don't like it now, especially when I get dirty looks from elderly people when I'm shopping with my kids.

    It will benifit us when we are older, look forward to that!

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