
Would you like the USA to drop its military relationship with Georgia?

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It seems rather dangerous, as the Georgians took the aid they received and started a war with Russia with it...even after being warned by Condoleezza Rice not to start a war with it.

The USA regularly reminded Syngman Rhee of South Korea in the 1950s that he had a DEFENSIVE alliance with the USA, and that if he attacked North Korea he could just finish the war he started all by himself. Rhee very much wanted to re-start the Korean war, but he had enough brains to know that he couldn't go it alone.




  1. The natural allies of Georgia are all of the other former Soviet republics and the countries of the former Eastern Bloc.  They need to look at what's happening in Georgia and recognize that if they do not band together against Russian aggression, what's happening to Georgia will some day happen to them.

  2. Go Russia.

    USA saying the invading a country and trying to remove its government is wrong haha what a joke, Its not like Americas ever done that. How can Americans have pride in a country that everyone hates and thinks it saved the world but only causes more problems.

  3. These games are always played.

    A push here an elbow there.

    USA advanced a pawn, Russia took it.

  4. yes!

    " Pindosi" must go home

  5. personally from what I've heard on the news it sounds like "rrru888" is right and "me2828" is a worthless coward since I've went to Iraq and served in the US Military for 9 years I think Russia was picking a fight with Georgia and we should try to keep them from fighting but if Russia starts something then we should assist but in the same aspect we should tell Georgia that they shouldn't start anything and that if they do we will not assist, I don't think they would start anything then.

  6. Nato took fast initiative against russia.

    Like Invitation Case for Operation Active Endeavour. Every single year nato naval forces gather at South Mediterranian area (Nato Naval Base Aksaz – Turkey) more than 20 warship join the maneuvres for practice and learn act together.

    This year nato was send a special invitation to russia for join this exercise with a warship who had russian flag. This was a jest offcourse, that’s why russia was send a frigate for visit the aksaz naval base for goodwill.

    After georgia conflict ( last night ) with Nato’s direct order some Turkish Naval Officers was visit the russian frigate’s commander for deliver this urgent message.

    -Thanks for coming but you guys are not wellcome here anymore, please leave our naval base A.S.A.P

    At the same moments Nato send a diplomatic message to Moscow .. something like this.

    -We can’t allowed your ship to join Operation Active Endeavour, please call your frigate back, Immediatelly.

    I can hear a music call " united we stand" again. Don't wanna say more, but I feel bit worry.

    Aye .. they warned by Mrs.Rice soon ; but other power points ( Like Nato ) send own warnings too.

  7. No. Because of the presence of Kodori Gorge in the west of that country. A pathway for all sorts of "hirabah" (terrorists) of the type found in Al Queda who want to eliminate one of the few Christian countries in the area (the other one is Armenia). Even Orthodox Catholic Russia has been bedeviled by the hirabah in Chechnya and that started long before the attack on America.

    So, we do have to help train Georgian forces to deal with that, using the current doctrine contained in FM 24-3 (Counterinsurgency Warfare) and also provide them the military tools to deal with that threat.

  8. The main problem of Georgia is a bad friends.

    USA have a lot of money to supply Georgian by weapon. It is very bad gift for Georgia.

    Let Georgia grow oranges, make vine, develop tourist industry and all will be fine.


  9. georgia has never in it's entire history started a single war and wouldn't start one with russia NOW.

    georgians just entered tskhinvali to protect the georgians living there. tskhinvali is said to be russian but there still are georgians living there. they were shooted for whole 4 days and then the georgians entered the region. and that was all the russians wanted to enter georgia passing through roki , and saying they were trying to protect their people they started bombing the capital of the country and other cities. seeing as you ask that question i don't think you have a full view of the situation. i have cos i'm georgian, and the one who lost friends who were trying to save ppl in the willages and cities which russians entered or bombed...just don't read russian web sites so you get the right information, that's the only country saying awful lies...

    these are the facts, the true ones, and as you can see russians continued the started aim (1921)

    georgia has a good location which russia needs(it's all about oil), plus they can't stand the fact that the country that used to be their puppet is getting stronger now , and its saakashvili that's making it stronger, and that's why putin hates him that much (even some georgians don't understand that), and america doesn't want the russians to occupy the teritory of georgia, plus georgia is america-s ally ...

    if you still are sure you'd like america to drop relationship with georgia JUST NOW (when people are being robbed, beaten, maybe even raped , kidnapped from gori) .. then, well, i've nothing left to say...  

  10. Started the war by using troops on their own soil?

  11. I would like to see the USA stay out of every ones business and stop trying to tell other countries how to live.

  12. Russia is a ticking time bomb so I think we should take them out now.

  13. I`m so sorry that because of history of the cold war since the end of which have passed already many years people can`t see and don`t wanna know what is happening in reality. please, leave the story about the russian agression, think about osetian people. they were killed and bombed during TWO WHOLE days by georgian forces and militars. georgians were raping women and robbing them, they were bombing buses with KIDS which were trying to leave the republic, they were shooting women and old people who were hiding in their houses. osetians could not wait for help from anybody except russians.  

  14. Saakashvili didn't mean to start a war. This whole incident was one big "oops."

    I suspect the next leader of Georgia won't want a military relationship with the US, as we were unable to do anything to help them.

  15. The US should remain neutral to tangling alliances.  

  16. I dont think they should have a war. The leaders of the counties feel it is needed but they arent fighting its not therer life on the line.  

  17. I hate to disappoint all the Russian supporters, but the Russian military technology is not exactly up to scratch, if there was an agreement not to use Nuclear weapons and they went to war against each other, America and NATO would wipe out China and Russia. Don't forget that India will support USA and invade Pakistan.  

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