
Would you like to Blessings and Sins Better?

by Guest59042  |  earlier

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Its alot like Karma. If you Believe in Jesus Christ And accept him and his Truths. You will Go to Heaven. And God Blesses you In life If you are Good and do Good, Good things( Blessings) Come your way. When you sin. You do not Go to h**l. IF you believe in Christ. If and When. You stumble (Sin) You are Punished . Bad things Happen. Big and Small. Pay attention. watch good people and bad people. And notice the happyness in the good. and the bitterness in the bad. and how life reacts to their Decisions. Because we all have free will. God Holds out his hand. Some grab hold. others turn away. watch the ones that turn away. they can be millionares and unhappy. Because they dont give. and dont love. well, some do. But they know Jesus. If your poor. you can be happy. Just knowing Jesus. Or So misserable you cant make any good desisions without him. And never smile. Pay attention. Nothing is new under the sun. Its all been done before.




  1. Christians don't believe that doing good deeds will automatically punch one's ticket into heaven.

    Instead, the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the savior is the conduit.

    That is, if you are a believer.

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