
Would you like to be a food critic??

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Would you like to be a food critic??




  1. No, because a critic can't and criticises those that can!

  2. I would luv it, and I think I'd be great at it. I am a great cook and I love trying new & different cuisnes. I love going to different resturants anywhere I travel. & I believe I have an excellent pallet.

  3. Yeah. I know a lot about how foods should and I am not fussy. I have also tried a surprisingly large variety of foods.

  4. yes i would love to be a food critic as a italian i love various pasta dishes and of course pizza so i wouldn't mind trying other ethnic foods from diffferent places

  5. I would love to be one.

    But if I wanted to be one I would need good taste buds and I would need the knowledge of alot of foods.

    But it would be fun and different because you would be able to try new things and inform others on how good a food tastes.

  6. Heck Ya! I love food! someday I want to own a vegetarian restaurant! I'm not a vegetarian but i don't really like meat, other than fish.

  7. No.  I criticised my Ex's coq au vin once and she threw it over me.

    I find it's safer to eat quietly and make no criticism.

  8. I would love to be one, but I don't think I would be good.. I'm not a fussy eater...

  9. its quite a interesting career but hard because u have to be very critical about everything.  taste quality freshenss appearance etc.  I love to taste new and unique foods but i wouldn't be able to tell someone that it was bad or something was wrong or anything i'm am too kind hearted i find it hard to tell a waiter that my order was messed up yet be a critic and tell them so much more is wrong

  10. I love food and would love to be a food critic but it depends on the food (no meat).

    Are you hiring?

  11. It would be nice to eat on someone else's dime, but I couldn't be a critic. I don't eat seafood or organ meats and my wine palate isn't very sophisticated.

  12. Yes, but it wouldn't be healthy for my weight (unless I bought a lot of exercise equipment with the money!)

  13. O Yea, i would like to eat free food and critize it.

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