
Would you like to be a teaher? If yes, please let me know the subject and why?

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Would you like to be a teaher? If yes, please let me know the subject and why?




  1. yes, and teach chemistry, i have apassion for chenmisty and it is very interesting they way the chemical react to make or destroy elements , somethin like our life like us humans

  2. I wouldn't mind teaching kids about art... I never really had any good art teachers growing up, but I've always had a passion for the subject...

    It would be fun to let the kids explore their creativity n' teach 'em some basics so they can impress themselves...

  3. English - so I could teach you how to spell you don't appear so illiterate when you type in a question.

  4. yes, i would love to teach history or english because they were my fav subj at school and I am quite good at them.

  5. When I am a little older I intend of becoming a grade 6 teacher because it allows me to teach the kids all the diffrent subjects so I can show them how fun they can be and not boring and I love working with kids.

  6. Yeap... Biology I guess... It speaks about life !

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