
Would you like to be happy, or like to be rich or would you like to be a wise person -which would you choose?

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Would you like to be happy, or like to be rich or would you like to be a wise person -which would you choose?




  1. rich - I'm happy n wise enough ;D

  2. It's like that.

    If you select happiness you 'll get both things. A happy man is rich internally and wise enough because all you need is internal satisfaction.

    If you select richness, it's  a wise decision, and for the time being you become happy also. But for how long you stay wise and happy, no one can guarantee you.

    You are already wise if you are selected wisdom. Because you can earn wealth and try to keep yourself happy in the best you can.

  3. Wise, because if I am wise, I'll have good judgment of my life, make no mistakes and be happy.  If I'm wise, I'd be rich mentally and in wealth because I'd know wise ways to make losts of money.

  4. without a doubt happiness is my choice...spent the last 20 years being unhappy and would give anything, wisdom or money to just be happy once can educate yourself and gain wisdom, and work hard to earn more money...but you cant buy happiness....thanks

    kelly b

  5. If only allowed to choose one, I would choose to be happy.  To be happy is to be content and pleased with what one has.  Wealth does not grantee happiness, and wisdom certainly does not.  

  6. I already have all of it.  I'm not rich but I have all that I need.

    Isn't that the point?

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