
Would you like to be on the jury to find out what happened to Diana.?

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Do you think the truth will ever come out, and what do you think really happened to her.




  1. I'm glad I haven't been selected for this jury service.

    How could I be impartial about an empty headed social climbing clothes horse adultress?:

  2. I know what happened. It's a total waste of time, money and effort.

  3. I would most certainly like to be on the jury.

    We all know what happened to Lady Di. She was murdered. Look at the evidence for yourselves.

    A brief summary of the known evidence is as follows.

    The unscheduled journey through the symbolic Pont de L'Alma tunnel (an ancient Pagan sacrificial site) took Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed AWAY FROM their intended destination, Dodi's flat.

    Just before the car entered the tunnel every police radio in Paris mysteriously died, preventing a quick response which could have saved Diana's life.

    Just before the car entered the tunnel every security camera in the tunnel mysteriously died, preventing us from ever seeing footage of what caused the crash.

    The crime scene was completely cleaned within hours of the crash, a policy totally anathema to standard preservation of any crime scene.

    Diana was still alive after the crash. Unexplained delays in getting her to the hospital, caused by the slow speed of the ambulance and the fact that it passed several nearer hospitals before reaching its destination, ensured Diana was dead upon arrival. A faster response could have saved her life.

    The foremost reason put forward to explain the 'accident' - that driver Henri Paul was dangerously drunk, has been thoroughly debunked by the camera footage of his behavior before the crash and the fact that the tests on Paul's blood were either faked or swapped with the blood of another dead man. Paul's liver showed no sign of alcohol abuse and his close friends and family said he rarely drank alcohol.

    Multiple eyewitnesses reported a mysterious flash of light immediately before the crash. Many insist that this was a laser directed at the driver to cause temporary blindness leading to the crash.

    The initial French investigation into the crash went to every length to ignore key evidence, intimidate eyewitnesses into silence and outright fabricate evidence

    Diana was killed because she was pregnant with Dodi's child and the British Royal Family didn't want an Arab in their sacred bloodline. Diana was also becoming politically involved in the Middle East and the elite saw her as a loose cannon that could rally popular support around anything. Diana herself remarked to reporters that there would be 'a big surprise' from her a few days before her death.

    Lord Steven's previous enquiry into Irish Republican Army terrorism unearthed links to British intelligence but seemed to disappear down the memory hole. Our hope is that the inquiry will have some genuine consequences for the criminals who assassinated 'England's Rose' and that it will prevent them from engaging in similar political hits in the future.

  4. No i dont want to be in the jury i dont to to end up like Diana KILLED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT.

  5. No, i would not! The truth will never be known, even though i think she died in a car crash

  6. No matter how many jurys or court cases and no matter how many people give their account on what happened,,the Royals will never ever ever let the truth be known

  7. nope, its never going to happen

  8. i defintely would not .... !

    too many high powers & organisations' 'secrecy' to penitrate.

    truth always finds a way out.

    she died in a car crash in a tunnel, how it came about ..who knows .. ?

  9. it was an accident

    i understand why al fayed would want to know what happened to his son if he thought something dodgy had happened but it was an accident

    the lawyers will be chuffed to bits as always

  10. nope i am all ready fed up about people banging on about her death, I think she died in a car crash

  11. NO.

    She died in a car accident. That is all I need to know. Whatever caused it she is just as dead so why keep churning it all up over & over again?

  12. NO and NO again. Poor poor girl, someone has a guilty conscience or if they haven't they d**n well ought to have! As for a certain pair well I refuse even to think of them taking the place of the present queen and hope the crown passes to William instead. Still don't know why we need a monarchy but if we have to have them then they should be setting decent standards of behaviour.

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