
Would you like to be rich and famous? Why?

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If yes follow the link?;_ylt=AgxxHtuirZLozgxYJa8XtM3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080722191541AAdWKXo

If no explain why.




  1. no!

    for all the fame and money that they have they have such screwed up lives it is really sad.

    i do not think that famous people are in touch with reality and i do not believe that they understand that their action have consequences.

    how sad is it that they have all this money and in some cases power and yet they do not have the responsibility to use it .

  2. No!   Because i wouldn't like having to worry about being robbed,or have family abducted for ransom,or having family come out of the wood work looking for free handouts all the time,or having people follow me where ever i went,

  3. i want to be half rich and known. but not famous

  4. not really. i mean, what's the point? come on, we're all going to die one day, why waste our lives trying to gain as much money as possible? money isn't the most important thing in the world. it can't buy everything. for example, it can't buy time, honesty, bravery, a good heart, and things like that. these things are better then money. what do you mean by famous? famous as in a singer or comedian or something? if so, no i dont want to be famous. i'd rather be famous for something useful like inventing lights or writing a classic.

  5. Yes, so I can make a difference in this country.

  6. If I would want to make a difference, I would do it "underground" with strategy. But I agree, I don't want to be bothered, or assassinated.

  7. If someone handed me the money, I would accept it. I'm not saying I wouldn't use some of it for my self, because I'm human and not perfect. However I would put it to use for starving, diseased, and poor countries. Or even better somehow try and stop all of these horrible civil wars that are going on, such as the one in Cambodia., I like my privacy.

  8. I would only want to be "famous" for something I am good at, not for my apperance. As in liked for what I do, not for being extremely popular.

    As for being rich, of course I would love to be long as I earned my money fair and square :)


    lil miss cupcake had a good way of explaining my toughts in being famous also...I would like to be KOWN not neccisarrily FAMOUS. I don't want to leave this world being known only by people in my area, shouldn't people get credit for things they are good at xD

  9. No. I don't want to be bothered as I try to get through life.

  10. Handed over or by hard work..yeah i would like to be rich and famous by any way (not by selling drugs and the other stupid things ya know)....

    But if i was to be given the money it wont stay with me for a long time, I'd donate it or make schools or use them to make hospitals...

    Yeah well normally people laugh at me when i tell them i really do want to do that...thats why i am working hard , very hard to get a brilliant that i can work work work and earn earn and use to money for some good work...if not school then something small but worthy

    Chao ^_^;


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