
Would you like to dine at this restaurant?? Your thoughts please!!?

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  1. lol! I saw this mentioned in a newspaper recently, it's supposed to 'heighten' the sensory pleasure of food...pfffffft.

    Mind you the prospect of going out and not having to shave my moustache is appealing ;-)

    Edit- Especially if it turns out to be the husband!

  2. If money were no object, then it might be fun to try it.  Realistically, though, it costs too much for me to afford just for a lark.

  3. no ty it looks like its from the medivle ages

  4. could be fun,like a ghost ride but with food! why not give it a go...u may just love it!

  5. What! To scoff-up 'designer pancreas' at 70 quid a head. I'd rather have double (free range) egg and chips, a couple of bloomer slices with Kerrygold, and, a cup (or two) of Yorkshire Gold. Any time.

  6. Being realistic and health and safety conscious, it sounds to be a very dangerous place to eat. How is it possible for blind waiting staff to serve? how do they know where the diners are? have the diners moved since they were seated? have the diners placed a bag etc on the floor? have the diners pushed their chairs out slightly? what will happen if the waiters misjudged and spilt hot food on the diners?

    Not the place for me and I really do like to see what I'm eating

  7. i would but i am a really picky eater so i might not order anything

  8. I suspect it **would** provide a different "sensory experience."  You would respect the challenges faced by blind people, and you would probably learn to depend on your other senses (like smell and feel) while consuming your food.  Don't wear an expensive shirt/dress: you might spill something on it!!

    Go for it -- and then report back on your experience.

  9. yea

    I would love to eat in the Dark, esep. if its French

    the food pics. looked kinda tasty

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