
Would you like to get old?

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I see old people on the streets with the body like an altered fruit. I am healthy, I can run, ride the bike, go in trips... The perspective of the degradation of my body really makes me sad and... I am not sure I want to get there. How do you feel? And please give a complex answer if you feel like!




  1. There is not much you can do to stop it.  It looks as if science is coming up with some really great ways to put it off, but in the end, you are going to get there and you will manage to live a good life too.

    Just take care of yourself and you will find that you will still be able to ride that bike run and go on trips.  Mostly it takes money, to stay in a lifestyle that in your youth it doesn't really matter, but as you age, money has a great way of heading of the ravages of time....

  2. I don't think if i can think age now and sometime later in my life. Many people don't know when aging actually starts.Age is something we are sure of. It's inevitable.. it will come sooner or later....It's wrong to be afraid of aging, because you think you don't have any future to look to. When I get old, i wont be obsessed with aging as long as my mind works, I'm OK! I am not afraid cause its something natural even if we don't like it.Your body will age...NO one will stay young ever....I am more afraid of the mental signs of aging, not knowing to tell your kids and grand kids apart.  Once an old man told me he was happy when he had his first hair on his pubic when he was 14 and he was n't happy when he spotted  gray one...We gotta struggle with many issues, but age isn't one of them...

  3. I have led a healthy life and kept my body and brain active ate healthily - and been conscious of the aging process -

    It doesn't worry me I am quite fascinated by it. I can still run a bit - mostly go for long hikes and swim; and play badminton when my joints allow .

    Age sort of goes with you if you don't fight it but just push the edges of the limitations a little - what I mean is if you dont struggle against the ageing process your mind accepts the limitations as natural becsu it is so gradual  However I think keeping fit for life really is the answer. Some of the transformations ar e weird like waking earlier and earlier and not being able to stay in bed. I love my bed but nature now decrees I get up and about early on.

    You can also get to an accommodation about everything falling south - eyelids cheeks b*****s because its all relative and looking young for your age becomes a great compliment - I think its more scary looking at aging process from outside than from the inside. I am now 60 - look a lot younger and am very active. I know a 93 year old who still drives a car - We have some positive role models too.  

  4. Yes, I would love to get old and have different views, rich with experience, strengthened by obstacles, and overflowing with wisdom... I want to live my life with different eyes and mind and soul in each stage of life.

  5. Yes, compared to the alternative.

    Old and healthy is better.

    Age 65

  6. everybody feel like that wen they r young

    but in each age ppl have defferent interest ex: at 0-6 all wat they think about is eating and playing at the teenage ppl care about look, interest playing, study, etc and at the 20s-30s they r thinking to sattle down and get marry and at the ols ages they r thinking about the kids and grandkids and they enjoy hanging out with them, telling their stories to their grandkids and dont give a **** to their look  

    so wat u need to do is to enjoy ur time right now and concern about ur aging problem wen u get 60 ;)

  7. i dont but we have to be.Its a process of life we have undergo all the stages as we move on.No one stay young its not possible.

  8. I wouldn't like to get old, but I have no choice in this. It is like death and taxes. So I don't worry very much about getting old. It will definitely come. The body will age. So I take and enjoy each day as it comes. You only live once and life is not a rehearsal.  

  9. I've always sort of looked forward to growing old. Being old means that I can become that crazy old lady who can get away from stealing fruit from my local groceries, yelling at people randomly. What are they going to do? Yell at the old lady who took an apple? Put her to jail so she can rot her youth away in a cell?

    Of course, getting away with committing crimes isn't exactly what I want to do when I get older. I'm trying to say that it's refreshing this freedom of people not taking you seriously anymore.

    I see old people and, maybe not so much here as in other countries, but they're respected sometimes to the point of fear. I think that's hilarious. I would use that to my fullest advantage. Poke at the youngsters with my cane and yell at them for being in my way even if they weren't. They do whatever they want, when they want. They've got all this free time. They don't have to be scared of most things anymore, because they've already gone through with it.

    They're retired. They have little to zero responsibilities with their kids grown and etc. And with the government sending them checks every month, they've got a little cash to spend too. Sometimes it's hard to talk to others too when you're younger with all that pretense and politics going on with you. When you're old, you're senile enough (hopefully just wise enough) to be open minded to most things. Conversations flow better I think. It's also the biggest excuse to breakaway from unnecessary and imprisoning things like worrying about your appearance and how you can fit into society. Technically, you're done with that job.

    Of course, there are still many downfalls to being old too with decreased health and all. That's why I'm a health nut and exercise fanatic currently. I plan to save up money to avoid going into a nursing home. I want to be able to be that little old lady who lives her last days with wild abandon. If I should break a bone or two, develop osteoporosis then I'll simply need to overlook it. Really, I find some old people very depressing because they think that their life is over and they should just give up. But now and again you hear of those who go skydiving or exploring in the Aztec ruins. It's up to the individual to make something of each stage in their life. I plan on making seniority an adventure.

  10. I want to get old in years, very old as one of my goals is to live to 1,000 or more, but I don't want my body to get old, break down, and decay.  

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