
Would you like to go to space? if it was possible.

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Does the idea of going up in space intrigue or terrify you?




  1. Hello,

    (ANS) This is a good question, I have thought about this many times and realized I had many misconceptions about going into space. I listen to a BBC Radio 4 interview some months ago with Helen Sharman the first UK woman to go into space with NASA.

    Now I had naively & wrongly thought that going into space & the experience of being weight-less or weightless-ness (zero gravity) would be a lovely floating experience WRONG!! wrong! wrong!! I had this notion completely blown away by Sharman who described zero gravity as a condition of constant falling. Plus because there is no gravity you very easily get extremely disorientated inside the space-craft. You have no idea which way is up or down, in fact in space there is no such thing as upside down or the right way up?

    **Suddenly, I'm not so sure I want to go into space & experience zero gravity after all after listening to Helen Sharman's experience.


  2. I would definitely go - it would be a once in a lifetime experience.

    Imagine being able to tell people that you'd left the planet & were floating in space...  

  3. No thank you..

    There is more than enough space here on Earth for me to play in..

    I dont much like the idea although it does have some merits I imagine.

  4. Yippie skippie! Yah I want to go space! How cool would that be?  

  5. It is possible, and yes i would! Even though i'm terrified of heights!!

  6. The very thought makes me feel ill.

  7. yes i will buy plenty of shoes from all around the galaxy

  8. It sounds great if it was on like the Virgin Explorer thing, but otherwise I'd be freaked out!


  9. Being weightless might be nice, but being confined in small spaces isn't so nice. I'll have to pass, thanks.

  10. I'm both intrigued and terrified, but that wouldn't stop me from going if given the chance. It's something I've always wanted to do since seeing Gemini 7 launch while walking to school one day in Florida.  My heartrate would surpass Gene Cernan's during his Gemini 9 EVA, but it would totally be worth it.

  11. absolutely why not? somersaulting in weigtlessness and all the things that you can see it would be like an adventure. count me in!

  12. That would be SO much fun! It would really bring home to me that I am living in an age where the impossible is possible and I think that the sight of earth from space would put things in perspective in a really profound way. I would also really ENJOY the risk of injury - just like extreme sports. It would be like going on holiday and seeing a new part of the world, but on a whole different level. If I had the money, I would jump on Richard Branson's space plane in NO time.  

  13. its a mixed feeling... u will have to expect the unexpected... sounds nice and cool but lemme tell u its not that easy. u have to go under so many tests. i mean to say physical test to how much ur body can resist momentum and bla bla.. i saw a documentry on travelling into space...

  14. I would go but only because i've grown sick of the way humans treat each other, sure i sound antisocial but nobody cares about me so why should i care about them, heck i would go because of the adventure aspect of the trip but i would stay because humanity is sick and there sick ways of thinking is killing the planet, i would move to Mars in a heart beat and i would find a nice quiet isolated place where nobody would bother me, mankind is making a hermit out of me.

  15. I would love to go in space one time to see the earth from the moon or a different  planet.  

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