That could care less about helping middle class families, college students, and senior citizens? (Which I don't understand when he's almost a corpse himself)
Plans to keep our troops overseas fighting an equivocate war?
Agreed with the "worst president in history" George Bush 95% of the time? (Does he not have a mind of his own..or does he just really agree with that loser?)
Who wants to take away women's right to choose BUT does not support s*x education in high school? (You don't have to be Mrs.Cleo to know that just simply makes no sense and don't give me that abstinence bull because if Sarah Palin's daughter got knocked up how effective was your method? )
Who is the one candidate who could care less about universal health care? (I guess anyone who has perfect health 100% of the time should be just fine)
Who plans on giving tax breaks ONLY to companies shipping our jobs overseas? (So were fighting a war in Iraq...but your giving companies money who ship our jobs there wtf are you tryna kill me?)
No way, No how, I can't have a president like that!!
NO McCain!!!!!!!!