
Would you like to help? I asked this question before but only had one response and surely more people care.?

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There is a petition on the PM's website which I would like to ask you to support.

The petition reads:

'We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Create a dedicated Military & Veterans Hospital within the UK .'

This is a most important issue. RMH Haslar is set to close, but is still operational and could be made into a great home for our injured service personnel.

Some background: '2 Para' alone have on their current tour sent back over 50 casualties to the UK , and even that many cannot be accommodated at Selly Oak Hospital . So when all of the casualties from other battle groups are added to this figure, how is ONE ward in ONE NHS hospital going to cope? It cannot, and as a result the individual troops are sent home to recover relying on NHS visiting services which themselves are over committed.

We need a dedicated military hospital if servicemen and servicewomen, who have been committed to hostilities and injured, are to get the medical care they rightly deserve.

A lot more than 5000 names are needed for this petition to survive, and quite cynically, Downing Street has put a time limit of one month - during the summer holidays - for this to be achieved. Please support it - please use the link below to confirm your signature on the petition. Please forward this email to as many people as you can.

Haslar Hospital is in Gosport, Hampshire. I received the above as an email and now ask as many of you as possible who would like to support our services personnel to take positive action.




  1. yer, id help!

    I'll put it on my bebo, facebook, tell people on msn and send stuff through email!

    Theres currently over 97,000 but i'll send it!

    sent to about 75 people, now to ut it on bebo...

  2. I'd love to help yes and I can remember when there used to be military hospitals in the past, our soldiers deserve proper care and a place of their own.

    Good luck :)  

  3. I will certainly sign this petition, this and previous governments closed a perfectly good hospital near the Woolwich Arsenal called the royal herbert, then sold the land for, you've guessed it redevelopment of houses and flats,  that also helped with the civilian over flow from local NHS hospitals, they always seem to be robbing Peter to pay Paul and never getting an even balance they talk big but act small  

  4. Consider it done,and with pride! Our troops deserve better than being treat as cannon fodder.I will be passing it on to all I know with a pc.

  5. i dont think us yanks would be allowed to help because we are not from the UK.

  6. Yes, I have signed it am very happy to do so.

    Several years ago, a good friend had a bad accident whilst driving his lorry. I think it was in Staffordshire.  He was badly injured and was taken to a military hospital. It was for the RAF but he was treated there until he recovered.  The care was wonderful, very efficient and everything was done for him just as if he had been military personnel.

    He and his family were really grateful and pleased he was in that hospital and receiving the very best from military doctors.  So this little tale shows how it used to be, not just for service men and women but for civilians who needed it.

    Much of this kind of facility has been lost and the people of this country need to insist that we get it back.  No more short changing our service men and women, they deserve the best.  The world is much more dangerous now and service personnel are being sent into war zones.  We need to provide the very best care for those of them who are injured.  

  7. I agree totally. I  live in a big forces area. Home of the British Army nearby and also a big RAF airbase. For heavens sake in the current military crisis, we should have a dedicated hospital for military personnel. This government can waste money on all sorts of c**p, but commit our service people to a war and then don`t supply the back up when they are injured. It disgusts me.

  8. It's one of the most disgusting and disgraceful things Brown and his gang have done but then the truth is the Labour Party have never supported our services. The lack of equipment for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan demonstrates that.

    I support you views 100%.

  9. Done...Best of Luck x.

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