
Would you like to interpret my dream?

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People kept delivering mattresses to my house-that's right,mattresses-and I wanted them to stop,as I didn't know who was doing this or why?

Could this dream mean anything?If so,what?




  1. it means u want consolation from ppl but at the same time ur insecure and have fear of rejection

  2. get more sleep

  3. Confuscious say- you need to relax... those trying to comfort you and you are shutting them out! Let them in damnit... let them in!

  4. you keep getting bills and your not paying them.

  5. Someone is fervently trying to give you advice on an issue related to your family and you won't listen, but you probably really do respect the person but feel they are not at a place to give you advice on the issue.

  6. use every mats but dont wash it please throw it

  7. Is this a recurring dream?

    I think it may be an issue of control, somewhere in your life you do not feel like you have control and perhaps you don;t know why? As for the mattress it may not have much significance, material objects normally don't. It is possible that you unconsciously kept an image of a mattress in your mind which you may have seen in a show window or at home.

    I have started writing down my dreams as soon as I wake up and then look for patterns. It's fun and definitely interesting as there are so many parallels between our dreams and real life.

  8. All i can think of is that maybe you'll have somebody come and stay with you like a relative or old friend or something. Or that you are definately going to pull going out this weekend. Pick which one you prefer lol

  9. lol

  10. i don't think the delivered items of being mattresses to be of any significance. it could have been anything. but i think the significance of your dream is that some thing is being piled onto your plate and its becoming more than you can handle. over loaded at work? someone nagging you for something? are you doing this to yourself even? you dont'know who is delivering these mattresses. its time you find out.

  11. To see a mattress in your dream, signifies that you will have new responsibilities and duties that will need your attention for a short time.

    To dream that you are sleeping on a new mattress, symbolizes happiness in your present stage of life.

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