
Would you like to join Harvard University?yes or no?Why?

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and then...Would you like to study at Oxford,instead?yes or no?Why?

i'm an italian girland must do english me!!

ten points!!




  1. I'm afeered i ain't gotted me a goood enuf edjamacation to join yur there kollij.

    EDIT: Sorry, i was just messing around. Good luck on your exams, hope you pull it off.

  2. My sister goes to Harvard. I would definitely like to go there because the school is one of the best in the US and the world. Also, the campus is beautiful and the people there are intelligent. Oxford on the other hand looks alot like Harvard but it is important to go there if the person going to the college wants to get a job in England. This is because Oxford is an English college and is more respected there than Harvard, just as Harvard is more respected in the US.

  3. I would love to attend Harvard University. I agree with the other comment about how it also depends on what country you reside in, however if I was coming from another country and had the option I would still pick Harvard looking at the statistics on what graduates from that and other American Ivy League schools provide for the world in regards to the education. Some of the top successful people who contribute in some way graduate from Harvard, some are extremely well known for their work in what field they work in while some are successful keep low profiles and help the world in research and other aspects. Harvard offers the best research for all types of education, whether it is law, business, medical, etc because it has the sources for it as well as the government’s help. I recall reading that it is the only school with satellite access in the world with cooperation with NASA. In addition, MIT, a top engineering school has joint programs, thus producing some of the world’s top graduates in all different fields for numerous subjects…

  4. I wouldn't want to go to either. I got offered a place at one of the top 3 University's in Britain, but when I went to visit it I found the undergraduates to be very stuck up, they wanted everyone to know exactly what university they attended and looked down on people who didn't attend them. Also I found it rather intimidating, and i wanted to make the most of my university carreer socially as well as academically. so instead I went to Aberdeen university, which is still a very good university but doesn't have the stigma attached to it that the other one did and I have had the time of my life. I wouldn't trade my uni experiences for anything.

    Edit: where i did my undergrad degree has never effected the jobs i have been offered or affected my education

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