
Would you like to know how America can cut down on oil consumption?

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Wake up America! Am I the only one in the United States who would like to see the speed limit reduced? Just think how much each of us would save on gasoline, not to mention the fact it would drastically cut down on foriegn oil! I think the American is so spoiled they are not willing to sacrifice a thing. I would like to hear opinions of those who believe we should make a mandatory speed limit nation wide.

Thank you for your time.




  1. Speed and gas consumption are not directly related as easily as they used to be.  Many cars now have 6 speed transmissions and variable valve timing, thus get the same mileage at 55 as they do at 65 because the car is in a higher gear.  I know personally that my vehicle gets better mileage at 70 than it does at 52, this is because the engine is in a more efficient mode of operation at that given speed, i.e. the valves, rpm and gearing are more optimal.

    A more effective way of reducing oil consumption is the use of vehicles with less rolling resistance (weight on the pavement and wind drag co-efficient) and most importantly, fuel efficient power plants.

  2. Tried that.  Didn't work.

    Read more.

  3. Sure, slowing down saves a LOT of fuel.*

    However the chances of forcing people to slow down with 55 speed limit are Z-E-R-O.  It's been tried, people hated it, people rebelled.  55 is the Vietnam of American energy politics. It's a four letter word.  

    Shame on you for pointing a gun at people's heads (a radar gun) when you should be asking them nicely!

    * My little car: 34 MPG @ 80 mph   38 MPG @ 70 mph  50 MPG @ 55 mph.  Six-speed automatics don't change that because the laws of aerodynamics are immutable.  Just ask the electric vehicle folks, who have ideal transmissions, and they'll tell you their energy burn is much higher at faster speeds. The sweet spot (max fuel economy) for most cars is 40-50 mph - sorry that's just the physics of it.

  4. Deport 13 million + illegal alien invader's (uninsured criminals ) and there will be a lot more gas available!

    The reduced speed limit has already been tried by your Al "I invented the internet" Gore type leftists and it was a bust. Why don't you social engineering lefties all buy a bloody hybrid and quityerbitchin?  Put your money where your mouth is and buy a "sensible car" instead of constantly whining.

  5. Consolidate trips while in a 4 wheel vehicle and make use of two wheel vehicles when and if possible. There is also the alternative of walking to get your gallon of milk.

  6. I really don't think reducing the speed limit would do much and doesn't make much sense . I don't know about you but a person’s time is one of the most important things to them, I don't think many would want an hour commute to work then made into a 2 hour due to a speed limit decrease. I think taking the bus, carpooling, driving a hybrid and driving less are all much better alternatives.

  7. Most people pay no attention to the speed limit.But the ones who speed the most are the ones in their gas consuming Pick ups and SUVs. Get rid of those gas hogs will make a bigger difference than lowering the speed limit.

  8. Get rid of SUV's.  They're nothing but status symbols.  I live in Florida, and I see the Cadillac SUV's on the road, and you know the only time they will ever see off road is if the owner washes it in the front yard.

  9. Cutting the speed limit will only save fuel if everyone obeys the limit. You know that won't happen. How many times do you see a driver doing 55 in a 55.

  10. everybody should just freeze in the winter , or get a fire place

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