
Would you like to know the precise address that Gary Glitter is staying at?

by  |  earlier

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Tell me what you would do with the information, whoever I think has the best idea I will email the address to. Bear in mind that I know this because a friend lives in the road, has seen him, and the place is littered with papparazi.

Game on guys!! :)




  1. NO

  2. Publish it on the Internet!


    Kat, I would do it anyway! I think that if there is a pervert in the neighbourhood then the people should know.

  3. What Michael said.

    I think I would pay him a visit first, though. Just to say hello you understand....

  4. Give it to the tabloids, they will know what to do with it and make sure that the tell the world they got this info for FREE.

  5. well here he'd have to register anyhow!!!

    You get a direct address for every s*x offender!!!

    It's very scary!!!

    btw. that pic of you? it's beautiful :)

  6. The guy is a Grade A sicko - I have no interest in learning his whereabouts I am sure the people that live in the street are well aware and will take the appropriate action to protect their children.

  7. i am not interested either.  His life will be a misery, wherever he goes he will be hounded by the police and press.  And quite rightly so, he will not be able to carry out his heinous crimes here in this country, cause he will not get the chance.

    I believe that these people who prey on kids and commit these awful crimes get there just punishment when they leave this earth and are judged by God.

    Saying that I am a Christian who believes in God.  I am not over the top with religion I just believe that we get our just and true punishment after we pass on. Gary Glitter will have to atone for his crimes and accept the punishment which is dished out to him.

  8. As long as he is far away from my family`s kids, I don`t care. Only if he came anywhere near the Midlands would any of my family care.

  9. Afternoon katkat, I'm going to sound very stupid here, but I thought the B@stard was locked up....

    Why is he staying at an address??

  10. I suppose I would just for curiosity sake but to be honest I wouldn't do anything with this information....

  11. He used to live not far from me the perv. It would be fun to send a muck spreader up there and spray the house. attract the flys like the rotten piece of flesh he is

  12. Not interested.

  13. I think you should just publish it anyway. Some Paedo on here will report you and get your Q deleted anyway. So go for it.

    What I'd do? Get a big hungry rotweiller to give him a hug.  

  14. If I had that information I wouldn't do anything at all with it as I don't believe that vigilante action solves anything.  I am not defending him, but he's served his time and signed the register so, unless there are further charges made against him, the rest is a witch hunt.

  15. Admit to the fact that you "want to be in his gang"

  16. ye spill the beans, i'd like to rip his testacles off

    and shove them down his throat. hows that K.K

  17. I'd rather know yours.

  18. First of all i would want his address so i know weather he lives anywhere by me, i have children who i do not want him clapping eyes on.

    Although i would love to cut his 'bits' off and smash his face in, i wouldn't risk my children losing there mum, as i would probably be sent to prison.

    After finding out his address and finding he lived by me i would do the necessary to protect my children and other children near by.

    If i found he didn't live by me then i would thank god my children were safe from this man and hope that the children that are near him are kept safe until he does us all a favour and flees the country.

  19. Couldn't care less as long as it is nowhere near me or my family. they should have sawn his nuts off in Vietnam while they had the chance.

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