
Would you like to learn who is paying how much in federal income tax?

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If so, this document will inform you:

BTW, if you take the trouble to understand the data on this IRS page, you'll realize just how much misinformation regarding who's paying how much there is out there. And it's all coming from the party that so thoroughly enjoys playing the class warfare game.

And if you answer the question without reading the page and understanding the data I'll conclude one of three things:

1 - You already know who's paying how much in FIT and you wish to assist in informing the number 2s and number 3s (see next two items),

2 - You're just too darn lazy, or

3 - You already KNOW the answer (except you don't) and you wish to express your ignorance on the subject.

Hint: Don't be a Number 2 or a Number 3 - you'll only embarrass yourself.

Hugs 'n Kisses!!! '08




  1. Ditto to the above answers..

    Class warfare?? Get over yourself..

  2. the link is invalid. Why don't you just tell us?

  3. I went to the page, and I fully understand what I see:

    The requested page does not exist. Please check your URL

  4. The link is a bad link - IRS page says it has been redesigned, etc. and the page is no longer there.  Do you mind just summarizing the data?


    Are you really gonna tell me that some politicians don't try and instigate a sort of class warfare, when you have major Presidential candidates talking about "Two Americas"? Last I checked, we all live in the same nation - libs would have us believe it is rich vs poor.

  5. could you give a bit more guidance? I followed the link but where to next?

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