
Would you like to live in a different country?

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I'd like to live in U.S.A. ...I don't know why.. I live in Italy, but I like the States!!




  1. I think I would like to be based in the states, but able to travel overseas whenever I wanted!

  2. I have lived around in a few places, and every time it is a new adventure. You never know before trying how it is going to be!

    Usually, there is:

    - a period of "honey moon", during which everything is fabulous because different. its duration vary depending on season, emotional situation of the traveller, language spoken, financial situation

    - a "crisis" - during which homesickness settle. during this time, you miss familiar things and people, you use your phone a lot... and this is expensive. if you avoid wallowing in the crisis period, you will again find reasons to like the new place and you will hit the

    - adjustment time. now you are a local! and you live life normally, with all the good things to be taken in, without letting the difficult parts make you miserable.

    I can guarantee that from Italy to the US there is a huge difference.

  3. I would like to go to europe for like a month ot two, but  would like to come back home.....home is where the heart is, and i would miss my family

  4. Yea, the states is awesome! I wouldn't want to live anywhere else! Although Italy is facinating also!!

  5. I always like to live in Italy,I live in the U.S.A.

  6. I do.  I am English and live in France.

    What we didn't realise is how different another country is.  Laws, tax rules, employment, driving conventions, what makes good manners or rudeness.  Everything.

  7. I live in the states and would like to live in Italy.  Have you been to the states?

  8. Well, Sarah, I don't know if it will make you feel differently or better, but I know lots of people who wish they could live in Italy.

    Maybe you haven't explored your own country (as often happens, even to us) but read our travelogues of visits to Italy and find out how lucky you are to call such a wonderful place "home".

  9. I live in the states born and raised here and I hate it here! I would love to get a EU citizenship and get out of here! If I ever have a EU passport in my hand I will give up the American passport and pray to God I never have to come back.

    This country likes to disguise itself as if it was a democratic one and that "we have the best of the best here" Well I can tell you that this country prefers to spend there money on guns and bombs then on health insurance for its citizens, family help and so many other things that European have and  that they take for granted until they come here and realize that life there wasnt as bad as they thought.

    Do yourself a favor and stay in EU!

  10. I live in the USA.  I've been to Italy several times (Rome) and I love it.  If I didn't live in the USA, I would want to live in Italy.

  11. Living in a different country is an incredible way to expand your horizons.  I hope you get the opportunity to come to the US soon!

  12. no, i think england is the perfect place for me to live in right now, but when i'm older i'd like to go to france

  13. Dont worry i guess some one will use this medium to send you an invitation.

    If some one dear send you, will you go to an unknown person in an unknown territory?

  14. i live in russia but would like to live in switzerland

  15. I've travelled to many places and loved almost all of them, but USA is home. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

  16. I am an American living in Japan so I am doing that!! I am teaching English here and traveling and having fun in my free time.

    If you wanna go and live in the States then go for it!! Get a job ahead of time and have a great time!

  17. i would like to live in U.S.A too

  18. I live in the U.S.A and think its fabulous! It's my fav. second fav. is Italy and next summer I'm moving there for a year to work/study. I'm sooo excited!

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