
Would you like to play a Game?

by  |  earlier

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OKAY, so theres a game called the game, the point of the game is to not think about the game and when you think about the game you lose the game. Now when you lose the game. You must tell everyone around you about the game. The Game is never ending, now that i told you about the game, ur in the game forever.




  1. u need therapy

  2. that is stupid umm how about the scary maze game

  3. Clearly you lost as youre talking about... hang on what were you talking about... oh i can't remember was it monopoly? it must have been monopoly, for the life of me i can't remember what your post was about.

    Anyway i hope you enjoyed your cheeseburger and i would love to play poker with you one day.

  4. Game Over

  5. **** you got me

  6. You Lose!

    (So do I but who cares?)

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