
Would you like to see Randy "teaming up with" or "feuding against" Batista when he returns?

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Would you like to see Randy "teaming up with" or "feuding against" Batista when he returns?




  1. I can only dream of Orton returning during a Batista heel run (assuming he loses to Cena). Short Evolution reunion, or possible Evolution-esque stable with Rhodes and DiBiase. Don't know what it would accomplish but I'd like to see them together.

    Other than that, I wouldn't be surprised if Orton won back the title from CM Punk later this summer.

  2. I hope that the injury is just a work and that Randy Orton wins the World Heavyweight title at Summerslam and Feuds with Batista over the title.

  3. i think teaming up would be better

    but against WHO?

    plz answer this WWE ?;...

  4. i like to see randy orton feud against batista.. that would be more interesting & exciting to see..

  5. Teaming up with in order to keep Batista out of the title picture.  I liked Batista a lot more in his enforcer role than as his own person.  I know I'm in the minority in that, but I would prefer for him and Randy to take a couple of younger stars and help build them up.  Rhodes and Dibiase are the only ones that could to mind, but anyone would be cool: DH Smith, Deuce, whoever.  As long as they helped two younger stars get over, I'd be happy.

  6. The Injury Might be fake, neither Batista cant work with anyone in the ring

    Botchtista, Cena is a lil worse

  7. I don't see Batista in the title picture for a while. (Thank God.)

    So, there will probably be some sort of rivalry (possibly #1 contender).

  8. fueding with??

    if Batista doesn't botch his moves and injure Orton, then yeah, that uld be great main event fued that isn't for the world title, and during the time Punk can fued with Cena or Y2J.

    teaming up?

    althoug Batista isn't as talented as Orton..duh.. i wouldn't like it, main event trown toghether kill the tag team division,althou  batista and orton as heels vs  Cena and Punk  as faces could be a great fued,  and maybe ..just maybe, before this fued, Punk drops the belt to Y2J,Y2J fueds with HBK  for the title, while Cena/jbl/punk/batista fued with eachother


  9. when hes back it wont matter either way ill be happy he is wrestleing again

    But i would rather se him feuding with batista cuz i think  they would have some really good matches

  10. sure..but he is not coming back until november

  11. I DEFINATELY agree that Orton and Batista would have AMAZING matches against each other. That's, of course, only if Batista doesn't become a heel in the Cena case.

    I don't think we need to see another power/speed tag-team combo, it's been done to death.

  12. New Evolution!

    Randy Orton,Batista,Rhodes & DiBiase

    Orton as Triple H

    Batista as Ric Flair

    Rhodes as Orton

    DiBiase as Batista

    but i want to see Orton goes to SD and have a Feud with Edge

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