
Would you like to see a penal colony for corrupt political leaders established?

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Some far out in the ocean like Devil's Island the French once had. It would have powerful psychological significance and symbolize what has happened and will not be further tolerated.

High level administrators in government should also qualify if they do something like fail to provide safeguards for public records. A no-frills, hardnosed prison colony for those who were entrusted with the protection and management of government by the ordinary people who depend on their good judgement and honesty. d**n their eyes.




  1. Actually yes but let's not stop with corrupt political leaders.  How about a place that we can ship all our criminals to as well.  We could save tons of money on prisons and guards...just surround the place and eliminate anyone and everyone that tries to get out of the place.

  2. How about Mars ?

    I hear it's nice at this time of year.

    We could ship them off in the next shuttle.

  3. I'd be quite happy for those convicted of corruption to serve their time in the general population of regular prisons, rather than some country club prison for "white collar" crime.

  4. It would have to be a large island full of old age homes

  5. We already have one, it's called the federal prison system.

    The challenge is getting indictments against people in high places, and then actually convicting them.

    Corrupt political leaders don't go free due to overcrowded prisons, they're just difficult to put in there.

  6. The founding fathers expected that times would come when impeachment was necessary.  So laws were built to make that happen.

    Impeach, imprison and throw away the key.

    Start writing your leaders and make your demands heard!

  7. No, I'd rather we saved the effort and executed them-then they wouldn't get a 2nd try.

  8. How about Alcatraz? Ted Kennedy could run it.

  9. You mean like Australlia. But that's not good 'cause some poor NATIVEs will be killed, lose their land to a bunch of politicians who'll then take over the world, anyway.

  10. Sounds good to me... Cuba?... Maybe..

  11. Yes lets start with Senator Kennedy for involuntary man slaughter for that poor girl he killed by drowning, and impersonating a compassionate person.

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