
Would you like to see the Queen have more real power?

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She would probably do better than these berks in parliament i believe.




  1. oh god no, at least with MP's you can vote them out, a monarch with power is no more than a dictator

  2. No because i would not trust her with it.

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  3. No, in modern times the Queen is merely a figurehead, a representative of her Royal background and a symbol of the UK. She is intelligent enough not to resign the throne to Charles, who has been raised from birth to take over but who has proven himself incapable over and over and over again. William is next in line; Charles will never sit on the throne.

  4. She already does have real power, but rarely uses it.

    She is the head of the government.  All laws must be signed off by her, otherwise they are not made law.  She has to invite the winner of a general election to form a government, or not (that would shake things up).

    I would like to see the reigning monarch exert her authority a bit more.  It would liven up the present boredom that passes for politics.

  5. No because this power would then eventually be

    passed to Prince Charles!!!!

  6. no i would sooner get rid of the lot of them they cost to much money and they know nothing about we the great unwashed

  7. yO ho ho billy

  8. man is not supposed to rule over fellow man. Man has tried for thousands of years with out any success

  9. Yes I'd love to see her commanding capital punishment to all the lowlifes and criminals in this country.  Off with his head!!

  10. No! I think the Queen does a fantastic job for the country now, but I dont think she is qualified to have a real input in the running of it. Also After her will come Charles!

  11. Would you really like to give any sort of power to a person who was NOT democratically elected?  I certainly would not.  Plus would you really want to give any power to a batty old pensioner who knows nothing about life in the real world????

    Sorry but I'd rather give real power to her corgis!

  12. What a frightening thought!

  13. I would like to see the queen replaced by a democratically elected president. By what right does she have or deserve any power over the rest of us?

  14. no, but I wouldn't mind seeing her on a very large bonfire

  15. Nope!!!

  16. i totally agree. i don't know much about politics but it appears the queen doesn't really have much input into the running of a country she reigns over. whats the point of her title if she doesn't have the final decision over every issue that affects her people.

  17. Nah, she's an anachronism from a bygone age. I know nobody actually voted for Gordon Brown to be Prime Minister but the majority of people who voted chose a Labour candidate to represent them. Anyway who would chose her? She is of German descent and her husband is of Greek.

  18. Absolutely not, I would really like to have the monarchy disbanded, why on Earth do we need to have an unelected person in that position?, costing the taxpayer millions of pounds every year and even stop the other leeches from that family sponging off of us and abusing the fact that they were born to be royal, the true cost of the royals has never been properly worked out, but I would much rather use the money they use be allocated to the Cancer and Altzeimer sufferers that can`t get the life saving drugs that they need on the N H S, the choice is either continue to give the Royals their unearned life of opulence and luxury, or just give others the chance of life, does`nt take a lot of working out does it.


    P S, If you believe that then you are deluding yourself, this may be the official line but the true facts are not known and in any case this does not include the cost of all the other free loaders in the royal family, such as prince Andrew who often uses a helicopter paid for by the idiots called tax payers so that he can go and watch a game of golf, if you were right about the 69p, then that multiplied by the millions of tax payers comes to an extremely large amount of money which validates my first comment, no matter how you view it they are all totally unnecessary.


  19. No because the Royal Family is even further out of touch with the common man than MPs.  I am not complaining about the Monarchy by the way, just the powers of government.

  20. No. That would be a significant step backwards, even though a particular monarch may actually do better that a particular Parliament.

  21. no she wouldn't know where to start. she's just paid to be the head of stamps and money. although she shouldn't even be paid for that!

  22. She already has plenty of power, Go and look up "The Royal Assent" it has been used to over rule parliament more recently than you think. John Major had the Queen use it when he was defeated in the House of Commons about 14 or 15 years ago.

    Katie, the problem is that she does.

  23. I'd like her to have the power to fly and shoot lazer beams from her eyes, vanquishing the enemies of Britannia and restoring our glorious nation to the days when we had the Greatest Empire The World Has Ever Known, on which the sun never set, when Englishmen were known across the globe as fair sportsmen and the lower orders well and truly Knew Their Place.

  24. She has influence, even if not actual power. I would like to see her actual power increased, as well as the retention of the un-elected upper house. Elections are for the most part, nonsensical affairs, conducted along with lies, brainwashing and hypocrisy. Elected politicians tend to be manipulative, Machiavellian types. Just watch the documentary on the election of Boris Yeltsin. This shows what "democracy" is all about.

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