
Would you like to spend a weekend at the Baghdad Embassy?

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It's luxurious. It's beautiful. It was built during the time of the Iraqi Reconstruction, $572 million dollars worth of lush accommodations for the VIP's visiting Baghdad. Recently, however, a few mortar shells have damaged the building somewhat, but most of it is still intact. Isn't it great that the man who wants to whittle down Health Care for American Children could build the World's Biggest Embassy as a monument to his military accomplishments? How would you like to spend a relaxing weekend at this lavish establishment?




  1. some parts of Iraq are safer than some parts in USA! believe it or not! we are brainwashed to think that this country is the safest in the world. however i suggest that Iraqis people who don't have a home and/or electricity, water and sewer  to take over the embassy and don't leave till they have a place with necessary accommodations to live in! what do you think?! peace

  2. I think I'd feel safer in the Oil Ministry Building but thanks anyway!

  3. Health care for american kids?At least they are still alive,how many did die in Iraq thanks to the american "heroes"?

  4. The work was also not done right,so no,it may fall in on me

  5. No, I'll stay in America where it's safe.

  6. Bush didn't build it ...Saddam did.

  7. I have a feeling the media is going to have a field day when that thing is finished and opens, which should be within the next few months. It's larger than some very small countries. They've already got a pretty nice setup in the Republican Palace (Saddam's old house). I saw some pictures of it and that place looked like a 5-star hotel and the pool was incredible. But considering going past the driveway would mean certain death at the hands of terrorists or severely intoxicated Blackwater guards, I think I'll pass.

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