
Would you like to sponsor a child?

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I know of an organization that gives 95% of the money to the children. There is such a need all over the world. The child receives food, clothes, shelter and an education that goes all the way through trade school. I sponsor 2 children through them. It's worth pondering.




  1. That would be great if I knew for one minute that the charity was giving the money to the actual child. Its a scam.

    I dont donate to anything apart from my own children. Atleast I know they are getting my money.

  2. I would rather go there and feed that child myself.  I would rather give my life than just my money.  Sadly, I have given most of my life for money.  I am looking for the opportunity to brake out of that cycle.

  3. Yes i would like to sponser a child cause they need it. If it was us then we would want somebody to help us to they need to eat just like us

  4. I already sponsor amongst other things but thank you for this information - it beats adopting a child and extracting him or her from all they know, then proclaiming myself a savior!

    I wish more people would consider this - I believe helping families stay together is in the childs best interests

  5. I already do.  This not only benefits the child, but his/her parents and the entire community in which the child lives so s/he can stay with his/her family in the only home s/he has ever know.

  6. Thanks for the info!  I will definitely check them out!

  7. I have always wanted to do that.Thanks for the info(:

  8. Hmm, after the last answerer I looked around quite a bit and found no evidence that this organization is a scam or fraudulent.

    I did, however, find a Hindu site that had them blacklisted as a prosthelitizing Christian organization that seeks to convert people from Hinduism to Christianity -- which I personally very much object to.

    But sponsoring a child can be a great thing. We currently donate to the Heifer project,  and to several organizations helping children in orphanages in China. And in the pile of donations to consider there is one that supports poor women to keep their kids (in Africa). I think this kind of grassroots support is important.

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