
Would you like to start recycling if your not now to help the planet?

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I recycle as much as my recycle center lets me and I was just hoping that more people would just stop throwing it away and recycle more. It would help keep that mountain of a dump from growing any higher.




  1. I personally would write to the Chamber of Commerce or go to the next town meeting.  The more people speak up in our community the more gets done..  Feel free to also start a sign up sheet and take it to your neighbourhood so that the more signatures you have the more peoples eyes will open in favor of starting something like this in the community.

    When I moved here recently I asked a lot of questions and was told many a time that it is an old boys network.  If we are to grow and be an upcoming community and one to be proud of then we need to speak up.

    Is it not the land of free speech?

  2. Adapt a simple living style works side by side with recycling. There are communities where recycling program does not exist.  However, we can all adapt a simple living style - which can translate into less waste, less demand to the natural resource. Stop generating the waste then you don't need to recycle.

    One can also ask the city government to consider starting a recycling program in the community. In the past, many recycling programs got terminated because the cost to operate is higher than sending everything to the dump sites. However, as many communities are running out of dump sites these days, recycling makes more and more sense.

    Separating organic waste and use them for compost also gets popularity.

  3. I have recycled since the 50s we had a hessian bag for newspapers and a pig bin for food waste collected every week. Unfortunately, I am now being turned off recycling by our council introducing fortnightly waste collections. The great "Recycling Revolution" as it was called is a dissaster. All the promises that we could recycle plastcs and all we got was plastic bottles which I took to Tesco anyway. The council treats residents like children who have to be dictated to and punished if they have too much waste.

  4. if it didn't cost extra money, we would. we can't afford it.

  5. Liberals, they are already partially decomposed.  After that Communist and Socialists, they are already full of excrement so recycling won't be a big step.  Then the Yellow cowardly Cut and Run Surrender Democrats in Congress.  They are on the same level as slime and worms so they should recycle real easy!

  6. I totally agree. First of all....I have friends who have weekly recycling collection that comes WITH their trash service. That was not offered to I had to CALL them and actually pay to have them come out and get my recycling. It's like $6 a month...not much...but still. THEN...they tell me that I can ONLY recylcle plastics 1 and 2, glass, aluminum, and tin cans. NO cardboard, and no other plastics. Um...HELLO! Cardboard is a HUGE amount of my waste...what the heck am I supposed to do with it???


  7. i wish there were recycling options where i live, there really aren't.  we can take aluminum and glass to the next county west but not really anywhere to do plastic or paper, that i know of.  i wish we could just separate it and put it out with our trash to be picked up!

  8. I am getting mighty fed up with being told that I should be recycling more when the government are still allowing manufacturers to produce things that cannot be recycled.  I saved all my xmas paper only to be told that it couldn't be recycled because of the ink the manufacturers use.  This is only one example of many. Its about time the government did something about it.

  9. Recycling and being green can often translate to greater it is very possible for capitalism and recycling to go hand-in-hand.

    You know the cold water we tend to waste in the morning (to wait for the hot water)?...we are now collecting it to water our plants.

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