
Would you like to step into 'a dream'

by  |  earlier

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and leave reality behind for a while.




  1.,reality is going ok for me right now.

    but i guess when I'm a teen life will go down hill.

  2. i would pay $10000000 to do that

  3. totally depends on what kind of dream

    some dreams really stink and it's great to wake up out of them


  4. cool

  5. Yes i would.

  6. sure!

    as long as it is not nightmare!


  7. would you like to put this in the right category?

  8. yes, i live in a dream are you kidding? lol jk yes i would want to!

  9. No thanks. To many people already live in a dream world.

  10. i would LOVE to.  

  11. Yes, that would be lovely..

  12. that would be incredible.

  13. not really all of my dreams turn into nightmares..

  14. No,because freddy Kruger's in there.

  15. I do every other morning. Hypnogogic Imagery ftw!

  16. h**l yea hehe its gta in real life

  17. No, because a dream is an escape...if I'm in it, I'll still be thinking about something else...

  18. well i will let you know something but its only me and you will know this..

    about 12 o clock every night i step into "a dream"  and i leave reality behind for a while you should try it but dont tell anybody..if you sleep they will think your

  19. h**l ye, it's my biggest DREAM

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