
Would you like to tell me about your home produce you have grown this year?

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I would love to know how your home grown food has done this year, any successes, failures, any stories, anything you want to share with us about how growing your own food has gone this year.




  1. I had a tomato plant that gave me some nice cherry tomatoes before it died of weird fungus.  That's about it.  Hopefully next year I'll have blueberries from my blueberry bush, and one day my lemon tree and satsuma tree could conceivably bear fruit.

  2. I have had a bumper crop of corn and tomato's. Green beans did really well as did the cucumbers and squash. My melons on the other hand, seem to be under producing, no idea why, but they just aren't doing well.

  3. 3 types of tomato's (way to many, had to give away lots)

    3 types of seedless grapes (first year all 3 vines produced)

    Persimmons (1st year for fruit)

    Peaches (bumper crop this year)

    Plums (1st year for fruit)

    Guava (no fruit this year)

    4 types of citrus (lemons, Oranges, tangerines, limes)

    Wild Blackberrys did really well this year due to extra fertilizers and additional watering

    2 types of apples (fist year for fruit)

    squash and zucini

    I built an above ground planter for the tomatos and squash, used my own blend of mulch and soils and augmented it with a few hundred earth worms.

  4. I got fruit fly in my nectarines this year.. and then the fruit bats came and ate the whole crop! I salvaged my peaches and they went well... so did the muskatel grapes... a bad crop from the waltham cross grapes... not sure why... I had quite a few figs off the tree too.. but I was clever enough to protect them from the fruit bats.

    But I have lots of oranges at the moment and of course the mandarines are finished for the season. My lemon tree is doing very well all year round. My lime tree is too young to bear fruit just yet. Maybe next year.

    Someone stole a couple of purple cabbage that I like to use in my salad... but hey.. I planted them on the nature strip (kind of as a decoration lol... no comments yet fomr the authorities). Anyway.. I've had a good crop of them.

    My passionfruit vine supplied around 200 large passionfruit. These were $1.30 each in the shops this year ..... so I was a bit of a glutton not sharing with all the neighbours... (just a few of my favourites). I'm planting another one as they seem to do well here.

    Hope you are well (((Bella))).

  5. i used to grow tomatoes but it attracted snails

    now we grow exotic fruits

  6. This year is my first attempt at growing my own veg.

    Lettuce has been a great success, carrots, spring onions, beans and peas are just about ready, kale and parsley growing great!

    Only disaster seems to be the beetroot, it has done nothing!

  7. I am in north eastern Montana and it has been one of the worst garden years for us.  My corn all rotted in the ground during a long wet cold spell in May and we didn't realize it until it was too late to replant into a shorter seasoned crop of something else.  We have such a short season here that we really can't grow anymore than one crop of anything.  So the corn was a wash...Everything is two weeks behind or worst as it doesn't look like it will do much of anything.  I hope to get squash (acorn, buttercup and speg ones) this year in October or sept and maybe some pumpkins but I am expecting a small crop of all of them.  No red tomatos yet.... about a half of the green ones that I had last year.  Sigh..  

    ONly one zuchini so far.   I got a whole bushel of apples though from our oldest young apple tree.   The others are too young yet to do much.  I lost one young apple tree this spring to deer damage.  

    Most of the fruit that we can comes from trucks that come with loads of fresh fruit from idaho and washington state.  They sell it along the roads here.  Peaches and all of it really has really jumped in price per case.  But we pay it because that is the only way we are gonna have this fruit.  I just finished canning 60 quarts of peaches.  That is equivalent to 6 cases of peaches.  I froze the bushel of apples until I can get ahold of more to can.  

    I hope the hunting goes better during hunting season.  Canned vension is good.  

  8. 1) beans and peas rotted in the ground from all the rain

    2)cherry tomatoes lots of green ones and only 1 red one today

    3)pick my first EARLY GIRL tomato also today again lots of green ones

    4)starting to get lots of cucumbers have picked about a dozen so far this year

    5)have been eating zucchini but lots are rotting on the plant due to all the rain

    6)onions and carrots look good but still have to wait and see

    Sudbury Ontario 400 km or so north of Toronto

  9. Funny thing is that instead of red tomatoes this year, mine are pink? They should be a red cherry bush tomato, but taste lovely so I am cool with that.  I just had them on established garden soil over the top of deep planted daffodil bulbs and let them do their thing among some fuchsias & gone wild scented geraniums, under cover.  I also have a glut of basil plants, giving many away, due to accidentally watering the packet & having to use all the seeds (oops).  Being a scientist & having lots of different mediums to hand, I planted them in all sorts of conditions: (soil from garden, compost from the local civic amenity site, grow bag...) & different containers: (recycled sample cups & various pot shapes).  I then watered them differently, some from the top most days in pots that can drain away excess moisture and some from the bottom placed on trays so they sat in water occasionally, but these stayed unwatered from the top.  The medium did not affect them, they just hated being watered from the bottom & did better being potted on early (I hate crowds too).  No greengage or cherries again! Loadsa blackcurrents, loganberries & apples. Wales.

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