
Would you like to travel to rio de janairo and stay in an apartment instead of a small hotel ?

by Guest33769  |  earlier

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Would you like to travel to rio de janairo and stay in an apartment instead of a small hotel ?




  1. yes, whenever i go to Rio i like to do it the local type way, i take the bus, and i eat at the local places, its a lot more fun that way. i always stay in a little apartment or something like that.  that's how i like to travel though, others like to stay in little hotels, and those are nice too, it depends if you are looking for more of a house to stay in or a hotel type situation and amenities.



  2. Absolutely yes...

    Been to Rio many times...

  3. if you're travelling alone, stay in a hostel.  I just returned from South America.  I was alone but stayed at hostels.  There are always people there with a lot in common with you that are very friendly.  If you can't make friends, you've got some serious issues.  I was only alone when I wanted to be...

  4. are you offering?

  5. Where and how much is your apart.?

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