
Would you like yet another Trigee?

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Love so true.............Ocean clear blue

Hear my sighs.........Unspoken passion

You rise again.........Calmly glide

Into my heart...........Until high tide

My soul you keep....Rising

In ultimate...............Passion





  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful trigee. I have a favorite part of the trigee.  It's......

    "Ocean clear blue

    Unspoken passion

    Calmly glide

    Until high tide




    Such a wonderful combination the ocean, and the emotion of passion make. I wish to go lay on the sand now! I'll go there in my minds eye.

  2. wowsers

  3. how about 'Surfer's Cove' as a title Reenie?

    i think your really good at these trigs too.

  4. I read the left side... wonderful

    I read the right side... wonderful

    I read both sides across... wonderful

    Then to my total surprise, I read the left side then the right side in rapid succession....  EXCELLENT!!

    Do we call this one a Quadgee?

    Or maybe Renee`gee?

    Or simply MoM of Marine strikes again?

  5. Reenie, what can I say except that I am jealous of you? The internal rhyme is wonderful, the imagery and metaphor superb, the Trigee itself perfect.

  6. Would we like another Trigee, when you write them like you do, keep them coming girl.You are the master.

  7. I am honored, M.O.M....The words? I second EP's comments. Just beautiful. You have helped redeem me for my diatribe I posted to Mixtli's question about avatars. Hydro hydro everywhere and not a drop to think !!

  8. No one does a Trigee like you do...This is wonderful, ditto Elaine about the internal rhyme.

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