
Would you like your remains to be discovered by the future civilization and be displayed in a museum?

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Would you like your remains to be discovered by the future civilization and be displayed in a museum?




  1. Why not?

    I won't be using them.

  2. This is great question which is not usually asked.  I would not want to be put on display for the future generation.

  3. No

  4. As long as I am doing something cool at the time.  If they find me dead on the toilet, I'd prefer not to be put up in some museum that way.  But if I get struck by lightning jogging across some really scenic mountain pass, then it would be okay.

  5. I wouldn't mind. Unless it's as some example of someone who didn't floss enough. Then I'd be embarrassed.

  6. Indifferent. If they find them and then will find them interesting enough to display, they are welcome. If they never find them, I am OK as well.

  7. It wouldn't matter because I was dead. It would be cool though to be a dead celebrity in the future and have my history displayed.

  8. Yes, I am making my own time-capsule, to insure that it happens...

  9. I'll be dead. So it wouldn't matter.

  10. In fact, I would like to be described as the type specimen of our species. Funny, but there isn't one so far. My bones would be carefully kept in a museum somewhere. That would be cool.

  11. Sure....why not?  Once I am dead it will just be a rotting corpse and not me anymore.

  12. sure....i will not be using the bones anymore

  13. YES!!!!!!! Oh, that would seriously be so cool! I would love for that to happen, to even in death still have something to teach the world.

  14. I would have no problem.


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