
Would you like your team to sign Avery?

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Now that we all know Avery is testing free agent waters............

Would you like your GM to sign him? I know where most of you stand with Avery, but to me he's one of the guys where you hate if he's not on your team but love if he is.

So, would you be happy if your GM went out and signed him?




  1. i think he is an impact player but many teams would balk at his asking price of 4 mil a year, to me any team he plays on he will be an asset with his style of play, but seriously though dating hollywood starlets and models isn't cheap. his job as an agitator is not entirely uncommon for players, but his scoring does add a perk. i'd say he was a level below brendan morrow before his captain days


    I'm so pissed at sather, words cannot even express it.

  3. Well considering that my team started out with Avery (Red Wings for all you who don't know that) and got rid of him, I'd say now, Holland shouldn't resign him. Besides Avery's a big whiner and the only way he can bother people is to wave his hands and stick in their face.

  4. Being a pens junkie, I would not want him because we have Ruutu, for now at least, anyway. :-)

    EDIT- If Ruutu was to leave, ehh I really doubt he would this soon, but if he did, Avery would be a hard pill for me to swallow personally, because I just really think the jack@ss may not be worth it. But if Ruutu did leave, I guess Avery would be a fit, even though our whole team hates him, and he and his spleen may still not be ready for NHL action... :'(


  5. umm helll no!! the devils dont need a sh*tfaced player like that, nor would i ever think that they would put him on the same team as brodeur. Avery sucks.. on the otherhand, if malkin hadn't taken the deal already for pittsburgh, i would've loved to have him on this team

  6. Yes..of course

    The guy may be a a**, but he sure can play..

  7. no thank you i hope the caps wouldnt waste $ on him we've got our own trouble makers

  8. I would be pissed.  But then again, after what he did during the playoffs, I think it's a pretty safe bet he won't end up on my team

  9. the toronto maple leafs do not want sean avery...

    i hope he's not even being considered over them keeping tucker. he'd do good here, but i swear he'd polarize fans.

  10. Can you please not say Ruutu is leaving. Everybody i love is leaving the pens & i'm sorting of going through a depression mode. lol Now, if Talbot leaves in the next 2 years - i will.... i dunno.... but it won't be pretty.

    Anyways. Although Mr. Gary doesn't like him at all... an Avery/Ruutu might be awesome for our team.

  11. i personally wouldn't like him if he is on our team. the Leafs have some beef with him...but then again most of the teams do. i agree with what you said about loving him if he's on your team and hating it if he's not but i don't think adding him to our line up would be such a good idea. can you imagine what would happen?? no way

    LMAO @ cme

  12. He is a very irritating player,

    the only good thing about him is that he can score goals.

    I guess if The Penguins signed him I wouldn't mind.

  13. Yeah, it seemed to work the first time he played with the Wings, though Brett Hull won't be around to keep Avery on a bit of a leash if there's a next time.

  14. Listen... I'm a Canucks fan. Our checking line is centered by a young prospect who will one day win the selke. Kesler had 20 goals, and has shut down the likes of Sakic and Crosby.  On his left is the ultimate pest Alex Burrows. He does not duck like Matt Cooke and he scores unlike Ruutu. He won the award for the most exciting Canuck of 07-08. You want to know who he beat out for that award? Roberto Luongo. Alex Burrow's has admitted to doing research before bugging a player. That checking line could never find someone to fill in the hole on the right, but that line challenged the Sedin's line for most goals scored all year long.

    Now imagine that defensive first, goal scoring, hard hitting line with a third pest on the right. If Sean Avery came to Vancouver, I can gaurantee he will be very happy.

  15. Should the Leafs sign Avery points to ponder:

    While the Leafs can afford it, I doubt very much they want to replace the Hanger (Air Canada Centre).

    I think there are enough Habs fans already.

    I didn't know we were one short on our shootings quota.

    Media sound bites should not resemble a feeding frenzy.

    We already have a seperatist movement in this country, you really want to add fuel to this fire?

    What'd I ever do to you?

  16. no thank u

  17. yes go wild

  18. Yea right!!

    If you put Avery and Carcillo on the same team, the NHL would see a new record in one season for players on the same team fighting on the ice during the game.

  19. No, I would not. We already have Cody McLeod, Cody McCormick, and Ian Laperriere to fill that role.

  20. Not at all. The Flyers have Steve Downie, and at least Downie can skate

  21. No. We had him once and that was enough..........

  22. He wouldnt fit in the WINGS style of play and their philosophy. He would be a distraction to the team. No Thanks!

  23. chicago needs an enforcer type of guy, but i think beach is going to take care of that, so i would want him for that reason, but i really don't like the guy so no

  24. Hecck yeah.

  25. we already had him here in Detroit, and im gald he's gone

  26. yes with him and chris pronger we would go 82-0 and 16-0 in the playoffs


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