
Would you live forever?

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if you had a choice between living a normal life, growing old and dying, as opposed to living forever, never growing old, never having disease. Which would you choose? And why, really why?

I think I'd bore the world a bit, and be bored of it in turn. When I'm old, I think it's a nice idea to have a rest. Also, I think that it's quite a beautiful thing, even if it is sad, that people leave this world, yet bring so much to it, and so many other people through having children, and the children leading lives. I think it is a beautiful thing, no matter how terrible or heartbreaking it is.




  1. i would want the normal ...die ...yadda yadda

    i have honestly always thought the 'live forever' thing was really odd. but most people think i'm odd for not wanting it

  2. If you know your future what do you have to live for.. If you know you wont die, you wont grow old. or get sick it seems nice but after a while it  would get old.. your soul will still grow old...

    normallll life thanks

  3. I would live forever because. Why? When someone asks "how do you know, were you there?"  I could say Yes.

  4. i would choose to live to 150-200. the only reason for wanting to live longer is just to see what becomes of our world

  5. id rather die ..... think about it u would have to see all your loved ones die .... and find new loved ones ..... then watch em die

  6. I would keep my mortality. I don't want to watch all those I love pass away. I love life. I love experiencing things, but I imagine a few decades from now I might not be so enchanted. I like to think I'll be ready to let go by that point.

  7. living forever would be horrible, how many friends would you make and then lose...

  8. oHw.. I wiSh there IS suCh kiNd as pERfeCt wORLD! I am wiShinG that too.. LOvers RomanciNGs, ChilDreN are lauGhiNgs , tiMe stOOd stiLL.. oH I wanT tO liVe in a fAntasy like you.

  9. I'd want that but not in a normal circumstance. (Living forever is not normal, anyway.) I would want that but i must be made numb. I want to live forever because i want to see man as he progresses in this world and eventually, in the universe. I am a history-buff and i want to see if after 500 or 5000 years would have learned anything from his past. However, to still have feelings, man that is awful..  That will be too sad.

  10. I think being immortal would be fun, and never having a terrible disease would be even better.

    As long as there was some way I could kill myself eventually, and not go to h*ll, I would definately choose immortality, and maybe do some good on earth. If not,  I would just live a normal life.

  11. If I had a choice I would choose to be ABLE to live forever, but I would always know that even though I couldn't die from age or disease, I presume that I could die in an accident that cut my head off etc.

    I would also presume that by living until I die by accident, it wouldn't prevent me from raising children etc -- and it might give me a chance of seeing my great great grand children.

    I think that I would eventually die of an accident even if I didn't age or have disease.

  12. no, i cry too much at funerals.

    i dont think i could handle it.

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