
Would you live in Canada or the States?

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and why?




  1. Canada. I've always wanted to live there. Also I'm just sick of the states. But I'm hoping that the new president will change things for the better.

  2. Canada. I have never witnessed anything here that would make me want to leave. Excellent Health care compared to the states, beautiful landscape, abundant natural resources. great people and crazy culture.........I have dual citizenship. Gladly my passport sits dusty and unused in a dresser drawer.

  3. care, government, people, reputation...pretty ovious why, no?

  4. i think this song pretty much sums up most Canadians feelings about being Canadian.

  5. i live in vancouver canada i was born here and then when i was 5 moved to new york city lived there for 6 years and me and my family just recently moved back to vancouver.. i loved nyc but vancouver is my home.. im 14

  6. Canada.

    You know it's bad when your national identity is described by an American beer company.

    You can keep Shatner

  7. I live in Ontario, and I would never leave, I love it here, and the only thing I DON'T like, is that we aren't allowed Pitbulls:'(

  8. Canada

    In my opinion, less racism, cheaper gas, cleaner, nicer people, health insurance, skiing-swimming-hiking-beaches= everything you need,better gov't, least likely to ever be attacked by terrorists.

  9. Canada...born and raised here. Our country has it faults like many others but its still safe to live here.

  10. As many flaws as our government and culture have, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else but the US.

  11. im probably bias because i am a proud canadian but i would never leave Canada! i was born heare and i love it here! its my home and thats never gonna change! i dont have nothing against the states its just that i love my home!

  12. If I had to live in the United States I would kill myself.

  13. To me its deciding between two list of negatives.

    Canada=Higher taxes, one of the most expensive real estate markets where I live in Canada, getting ripped off for almost everything I buy because of the US economy losing its value...

    US (Mostly made up of my the view I am biased to, so I don't expect you to take it seriously)=Crappy economy, land filled with idiots, Warmongering/control freak imperialist govt that needs to go back to the 19th century, irresponsible govt who doesn't seem to know what living on a credit card means, and most importantly eye for eye and tooth for tooth policy...

    I'd still stick with Canada even though its a pain to one's personal finances when I am an adult.

  14. Canada, but contrary to Gloria h, gas is cheaper in the US by a lot (C= $1.35 per liter or $5.40 per gallon; US - $4.25 per gallon or $1.06 per liter).   Also, in Canada, health care is a lot simpler, but it's not free, nor is it timely.  The wait list can literally kill you.  We pay a ton of taxes up front for it, whereas in the US you keep paying deductibles on top of your monthly payments, and then you can only go to certain doctors or hospitals, but at least you can get treatment when you need it.

    Still, while I've met some great Americans, almost everyone in Canada is super.  Love it and would never leave it unless I had to.

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