
Would you live in a modern medieval ?

by  |  earlier

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imagin a castle, the walls supporting it, the fields large enough to sustain life within its walls, a huge town that govenred themselves, many of the same laws, except the few important ones ( drunk in public, smoke weed anywhere.....sweet!), now add in small -personalized electric vehicles powered by wind, solar, hydroelectric, now bring in indoor plumbing, the fields need tending, animals need feeding, there would be tradesmen needed, labourous, farmers, scientists, the castle and its area would be the jobs, intertainment, education , that many dont have, imagin they biult it from nothing but the rocks it lye on, imagin it was all built from the ground up and it inhabitants are the ones runing and maintaining it, there would be no needto guardit common! its the 21 century they would be prosicuted to the full extent of the law, so whats you oppionion




  1. Yes it will be wonderfull, but dont know if it will work, because all inherints must be - one of heart and one of soul.  I mean, they all must have one thing in common - their outlook of PEACE, LOVE, and RESPECT for one another  - cause without such a "believe" and outlook - it wont take long till their will be outbreaks of theft, rape, jealousy etc.

    and the boring factor - for the teens will want some exitement the teens break through this utopia wall to explore the "forbidden world" out there - that looks  so inviting dangerous and secretive, to go have a look outside this "walls" and then comes back to corrupt the entire city. It will be fun for them, with all this we now know.

    You must imagine you as a teen in this enviroment, and then what will you do, as a teen?

    Also punishment will have to be very harsh, for theft etc. They have to be abandoned from the city, for never to come back again - because they no longer have the same outlook in their hearts, and will not change.

  2. it would be kind of neat but it sort of reminds me of a hippie commune.  i like the idea, but i dont know how many other people would be with me.

      i dont think it would work in modern society, because these days so many people are fueled by the need for material possesion, and methinks people would not like sharing space as much as they have to in this castle type set up.

      other than that, it is pretty much just a small city.  there would be the usual compitition for jobs and all that, and everything.

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