
Would you look at a "Star player" differently if?

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He was a total Jerk off the ice?What if he was your favorite player for years THEN you find out he had some problems with the law OR had many mistresses?Would he still be your favorite player and would you still cheer for him when he played for your favorite team?

Bonus-Any favorite players of yours totally blow you off for an autograph or picture?




  1. I would look at him different, but I would still be as big a fan of them as I was before.

    I haven''t had the pleasure of meeting an NHL player

  2. Well if he was on my team I would still cheer for him and want him to do well on my team but I wouldn't respect him. He probably would still be one of the players I like but not my favourite player.

    BONUS: I've never even been to an NHL game, never mind meeting a player.

  3. I would still root for him as a player, but would lose all respect I have gained for him.

    Bonus- I've never been blown off by any New York Rangers after a game at all. Matthew Barnaby, a big tough guy, was the coolest guy off the ice. I was outside after a Rangers game looking to get autographs and he had met his wife and had his kid in his arm while he signed an autograph for me. Most hockey players are classy because hockey is the classiest sport their is!

  4. I would look at him much more differently. Being a jerk is one thing. It could be just that kind of day for them. That I would give benefit of doubt for.  But legal problem and mistresses and that kind of stuff. That shows what a low life he is. I would get a new favorite player. If he stays on my team I don't acknowledge that he is there.

    Bonus. I have not run into any rude hockey players, Yet. I have seen some having bad days , but they at least have said I am sorry I can't sign today I have to be somewhere . Or even They lets us know they will get us next time. I know they have to be somewhere at times. No big deal. But I have never been blown off or treated rudely by one yet.

  5. If he was a jerk to me off the ice, then I would look at him differently. I heard many positive things about Gonchar so that's always great to hear.

    Bonus - NO

  6. Yeah, it really would change my opinion of him.  I would still cheer for him if he played for my team, but for sure he wouldn't be my favorite anymore.  I wouldn't be able to look at him the same way if he was secretly a wife beater or something.  That's just pathetic and he doesn't deserve my respect.  When Brodeur cheated on his wife I was really shocked and creeped out and started to see him differently.

    Bonus: YES!  Scott Gomez!!  He seems really nice and funny during interviews, but after Devils' practices he totally blew fans off.  The only time he ever stopped to take a picture with me was when he was in the car with Jay Pandolfo, and Pandolfo wanted to stop and sign stuff.  Since Gomez was in the car with him, he was forced to at least acknowledge the existence of the fans.  And mind you, in the picture I took with him he wasn't even smiling or making an effort.  He just looked at the camera waiting for it to be over.  I was talking to a woman at another practice, and she told me Gomez would  mutter under his breath, "Not this again..." when he would see fans after practice.  What a jerk...

  7. Sure that would make a big,big,big difference. Nothing is ruder then ignoring the people who make you who you are and put the $ in your pocket. As far as personal life...ehhhh....minor law issues or s******g around is not a reason to hate a player. Joe, this is the reason I steered away from being a "Huge" baseball fan and leaned towards hockey.

      I used to go to TONS of Yankee games, spring trainings,practices even had season tix. After waiting by the players entrance and getting shunned by the Pre-Madonnas of the Diamond over and over I had my fill. Around the same time I was getting into Hockey, Went to Devils, Flyers games, practices and such and the players where so happy to be fussed over. Sure there is always the but-k**b or the Angel on both sides but Hockey players at least seem that much more genuine.

    If never had a Hockey player shun me..LOL!!!

  8. depends.  if his problems with the law were like for wife beating, child beating, dog beating, etc., then yes, i would lose respect for them.  mistresses?  yeah right.  he's male, ain't he?  sports figures, no matter how famous, all started out as "regular folk" and they make "regular folk" mistakes.  you gotta give them the benefit of the doubt.  but there's definitely a line that can be crossed.  michael vick anyone?  

    bonus:  my husband gets all the autographs, i don't think he's been blown off.  i got ben roethlisberger, hines ward, and bill cowher, but no pens yet, haven't seen any out and about.

  9. Yea I definitely would, it's what makes them role-models. My fave is Mats Sundin because I've seen him off the ice and he's a terrific person, shows up for charity events and enjoys it. He's also a great leader on the ice. Gretzky is a perfect example of a role-model; not just in sports but in life in general.

    BONUS: no, hockey players in Toronto generally are very classy and have always signed an autograph for me when I've asked.

  10. I think it would affect my outlook towards them. It would probably bring them down a notch or two.

    I think OJ Simpson is a good example. Prior to the slaying and subsequent trial mockery, I looked up to him as an outstanding Football player and person. Of course now, if I saw him on the street I'd spit on him! Of course, he was retired by then, but you get the idea.

    As far as autographs or pics, no, but then I don't seek them either.

  11. Absolutely. That's why Martin Brodeur dropped a few rungs for his petulant act during the playoffs.

    Never been blown off for an autograph. But I did have a girlfriend named.....oh never mind.

  12. No. Certainly not. If a guy's gonna be my favorite player, he gotta set up a good example and be someone I want to emulate.

    Drop the puck (so the most responsible athletes in the world can play) already!

  13. yeah i would. if i found out Crosby was a 'jerk' then i would lose all respect for him, same with any player.

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