Okay, I just had dinner at a chinese restaurant with my family and while I don't like chinese food (for some reason) I ate there anyway. Suprisingly the food was alright, I didn't eat too much so I felt good. Well, I was just sitting there waiting for the waitress to bring us the bill and I seen something outta my periphrial well I turn and look at the wall and low and behold it's a huge *** cockroach! I seriously HATE those things with a passion! I can do spiders, crickets, snakes, etc..but def not roaches...they effing freak me the eff out..anyway, the lady came and I pointed to the wall and showed her the roach, well why did she just take a napkin (all non chalantly) from another table and get it off the wall and then said "oh..it's the smell, they love it..it make dem come out! you should see this place in the day, it's covered wit dem!". EW!!! OMG WTF!?! Yea, I gotta go throw up now..LMAO..Would you be grossed out?