
Would you lose your appetite if..

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Okay, I just had dinner at a chinese restaurant with my family and while I don't like chinese food (for some reason) I ate there anyway. Suprisingly the food was alright, I didn't eat too much so I felt good. Well, I was just sitting there waiting for the waitress to bring us the bill and I seen something outta my periphrial well I turn and look at the wall and low and behold it's a huge *** cockroach! I seriously HATE those things with a passion! I can do spiders, crickets, snakes, etc..but def not roaches...they effing freak me the eff out..anyway, the lady came and I pointed to the wall and showed her the roach, well why did she just take a napkin (all non chalantly) from another table and get it off the wall and then said "'s the smell, they love make dem come out! you should see this place in the day, it's covered wit dem!". EW!!! OMG WTF!?! Yea, I gotta go throw up now..LMAO..Would you be grossed out?




  1. OMG that is truly disgusting, they need to be shut down, and I am also freaked out by roaches, I can handle any other creepy crawly but them.

  2. Yes I would be grossed out you might want to notify your couny health department.  But you might be surprised how many restaurants have that same problem.

  3. Cockroaches are just whole insects... you eat fragments of insects in your food ALL THE TIME.... you just hadn't thought about it.  It is not possible (without spraying enough insecticide on the field that it would kill you) to harvest any grain (wheat, corn, rice, oats...) without also collecting large numbers of bugs (including lots of cockroaches), so they end up in everything you eat anyway.

    I hope I didn't spoil your appetite!

    (All those saying "call the Health Department!" obviously don't realize that most restaurants, even the spotlessly clean ones, are on Planet Earth.  Planet Earth is TEEMING with roaches.  The only way to guarantee they won't come in a restaurant is to avoid serving any food and to use toxins powerful enough to poison the patrons....not a smart move!)

  4. Yeah it's gross but Joseph was right. If you don't believe him just google it.  

  5. Not only would i be grossed out i would call the Board of Health and let them know what you saw and she said. What a horrible thought, That there could be some in the food you just ate. EWE! Seirously though, That's what i would do..

  6. just because they are there does not mean i wish to see them.  i would of been grossed out and if i had food left, i would of been done.

  7. I never return to a place that has bugs....BUT I live in KC and  BBQ is or forte..the best places I have ate at had roaches..same with our best Mexican........lines around the block...Go figure....Protein?

    As long as they don't eat my food....Wait for the left-overs..HA!!

  8. Well, I would be grossed out. Don't get me wrong, I know the food we eat is not bug free... I just hate a living running roach more than anything! Unlike most other insects and vermins, only a roach is dumb enough to run straight at you and climb up your legs or jump into your hot food and die there...

  9. Call your local health department and report them. that is not right or acceptable, especially with what she said about there being more during the day.  The place is obviously filthy, there are probably rats and mice also.

    Do not let this pass, do something about it - report it.

  10. cockroaches attract cats = main ingredient in many dishes

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